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Monday, August 21, 2017

Antifa brags about being anti-America, burning flag — then they get pulverized on social media

A social media page claiming to belong to an Antifa faction in Boston tht bragged about being an “anarcho-communist” group while bashing patriotism has been widely rebuked online.

“Let’s get one thing clear. Antifa is an Anarcho-Communist cause. Those on the left who call us “patriots”, step the F**K away,” the group tweeted Saturday with an image of them burning an American flag.

The comment came as thousands of protesters gathered in Boston to demonstrate against white supremacism. The day included violence clashes between far-left protesters, such as Antifa, and police.

The group was extremely clear about their views in subsequent tweets.



  1. They correctly assume that since muslims openly tell us they intend to conquer us (with the bags of goodies they bring to societies everywhere they go) and we GIVE THEM all kinds of assistance.
    These losers openly tell Americans of their intent and what gets on CNN tonight? Not that, bet your life. It will eventually get to that anyway....
    Keep cheering

    1. You hate cops also so HOW are you different? Every time you blog negative nasty comments about law enforcement you make their lives more dangerous! Think about Kenny before you decide to trash the police.

  2. I haven't heard of "white supremacists" since the 60's! Did they just make that up as a straw man excuse to riot and make mayhem?

  3. Anarcho-communist?! That makes no sense. Communism is the OPPOSITE of Anarchy it's complete Government control. This is the product of our horrible public education system.

  4. They have no clue about who they are except ready to make others' lives miserable at the drop of a hat.

  5. They need to get pulverized in person.

  6. All credit goes to George Soros and family. Why have they not been ban from the US and assets in US confiscated? It has been done in some European Countries. Weak Politians in the US and Soros is taking advantage. That is why his "shadow government" is taking over DC with the help of Obama, the Clintons, Warren, Sanders and the Democrats.

  7. Our government's sole purpose and main function is to protect the U.S. Why not start with Soro's and follow by throwing his minion's out of our country? Very simple solution to a very minor problem. Small potatoes. Take out the trash all over these states.

  8. Well put, 604 and 550.

  9. You hate cops then don't call them when you need them and don't bitch when they don't show up. If I was a cop I would think 5 times before I come to your aide. You ask for it then you will get it. Yes there are some bad ones out there. Do you want to risk yours or a loved ones lives on not getting help. The bad thing is they will always come to help YOU. If you see a cop doing something wrong report it don't kill them till you know the whole story of what is going on. FFT (food for thought). (map)

  10. Anonymous said...
    You hate cops then don't call them when you need them and don't bitch when they don't show up.

    That makes no sense. If they didn't call them, of course, they wouldn't show up and there would be no bitching.

    If I was a cop I would think 5 times before I come to your aide.

    Thank God you are NOT a cop. You wouldn't survive long even if you were.

    You ask for it then you will get it.

    What exactly would they get?

    The bad thing is they will always come to help YOU.

    Why would that be a bad thing? They would be doing their job, wouldn't they?

    FFT (food for thought). (map)

    I think YOU need a whole lot of that particular food, sir.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You hate cops also so HOW are you different? Every time you blog negative nasty comments about law enforcement you make their lives more dangerous! Think about Kenny before you decide to trash the police.

    August 21, 2017 at 5:40 PM

    Here we go again. Are you saying Joe is responsible for the nasty negative comments that others send in? You want Joe to go against the very thing blogs are designed for? Do you go on all the other blogs and sites and defend cops? Just exactly what is it that you want?

    There will always be negative talk about cops, and other professions as well. That's just life. And some officers do and say things that warrant the negative comments thrown at them. If you don't realize that you are either an apologist or in denial.

    Going out and killing random cops? That is just wrong and unacceptable on so many levels. But I dare say they are used to negative comments and are trained to deal with them. If they ran and hid every time someone called them a pig or something we would never see a cop.

    I think the guys and gals in blue are much tougher than you give them credit for. And accusing Joe, or anyone, of hating cops simply because of negative comments? Get a life. Policemen and women do not need you to defend them, seriously. It might make you feel good but I doubt they go home or to a bar and cry in their beer because someone called them a nasty. lol.


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