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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Amazon Really Wants Echo Devices In The Hands (And Dorm Rooms) Of College Students

If you want future developers of technology to create new things for your product, try giving it to engineering students for free. Amazon is experimenting with that at one college, giving away an Echo Dot (list price $49.99) to every student in a new dorm at Arizona State University. 


  1. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. Big Brother watches and listens.

  2. Young people (under 25) don't care about being monitored. They have been all their lives. Security cams, phones that parents can track location, schools that surveil their activity online ant while not at school.

  3. Remember when Will Smith sang "Parents just don't understand". Well that has dramatically changed to "Snowflakes just don't understand."

    Being monitored is NOT good!

  4. but only if theyre really hot


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