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Monday, August 21, 2017

A Viewer Writes... Eclipse 2017

Can I return my glasses now?


  1. That was a lame eclipse.

    1. Only because you weren't in an ideal location. It's always 5:00 somewhere.

    2. @3:10. I agree. It sucked.

  2. If you got a receipt, no problem.

  3. I must have blinked and missed it!

  4. We were told we weren't in the "totality" zone. You can't expect total darkness unless you are there.

  5. WBOC weatherman Mike lichniak said it was 86% totality in Salisbury. More fake news from Wboc

  6. It was an 8 hour drive that the complainers didn't want to make, or they would cry. So, they decided to stay home and cry.

    If you had watched the NASA channel on your computer, you could have seen about 6 awesome eclipses live, but, no, WWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

  7. 6:33 PM, I don't believe that's it at all, meaning complainers. You expect a local channel to give you CORRECT information and they don't. 86% totality would have been DARK. Well.....

    1. Did you even look at it 8:27?
      I did and it was very cool! Also it was a small sliver so I would say he was damn close.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    6:33 PM, I don't believe that's it at all, meaning complainers. You expect a local channel to give you CORRECT information and they don't. 86% totality would have been DARK. Well.....

    August 21, 2017 at 8:27 PM

    You shouldn't reply to people like 633. They seem to be miserable people who like to cause drama to get attention and try to make others as miserable as themselves.

  9. Over anticipation gets people every time.It was just an eclipse for heaven sake.All of the lemmings got caught up in the hype.Did you goobers honestly sit outside and watch that? Don't blame a TV station for your stupidity.Duh.


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