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Sunday, August 13, 2017

A Comment Worthy of a Post 8-9-17

Facebook Post
SPD Officer
15 hrs 

Does anyone truly believe that firefighters deserve the same pay as PARAMEDICS, POLICE or SOLDIERS? 24 on, 72 off with sleep, meals and games included... 

When is the last time your community suffered from a catastrophic fire? I'm not saying that firefighters aren't needed and appreciated... but to ride the coattails of police retirements and EMS pay the way they do bankrupts communities and is undeserved. We all train to save lives and go into emergency situations. COPS are trained to TAKE a life. PARARMEDICS perform medical lifesaving. 

SOLDIERS are under the gun daily. Firefighters...not so much. Just saying. Stop with the self-promulgatimg sprinklers and blue reflector "cat eyes" and building inspections... sure they are necessary, but they don't justify you getting a cop's pension. Politicians lump it all together when it's sooo different... think about it... 

Bring on the hate about running into burning buildings... is that really the best you've got?


  1. Ocean City does it the right way, you have to be trained as a paramedic and a firefighter to get hired. Salisbury should do the same.

    1. BS!!! You have to be an EMT-B to get hired. They have FF/EMT positions

  2. The paid firefighters in Salisbury are lazy and don't deserve anything.

    1. Remember that when your house is on fire and they don't show up!

    2. They can't ha did there call volume now kid

  3. Listening to the scanner during the emergency the firefighters in Salisbury seemed lost and didn't know what to do. Running around like chickens with heads cut off

  4. Salisbury firefighters ARE firefighter/EMTs and Paramedics. It's a prerequisite to be hired!

  5. Pretty strong words from an officer(detective, at that) who's city is on a record breaking pace for murders and violent crimes. Maybe we should re-evaluate YOUR raises and worth?

  6. Pensions have become nothing but a government perk to government employees, on the backs of taxpayers.

  7. "COPS are trained to TAKE a life." <- Dumb, just plain dumb. If that is your mentality you should not have a badge.

  8. Fruitland cops way overpaid,all they do is give out speeding tickets,and pick up Walmart shop lifters

  9. I am a police officer. I am not sure what spurned this comment, but I respect firefighters, both paid and volunteer, I believe we are all doing different parts of the same job, serving and protecting. Sure there is some good natured ball busting between professions, but in my eyes, its all in fun. We are all doing a job that most people don't want, or can't do.

    What concerns me however is the comment that cops are trained to "take a life". I don't know what this person is talking about, because I was trained to SAVE a life. Whether it be by administering first aid, performing CPR, removing a victim from a hazard situation, or the application of deadly force to protect the innocent. I have, in my duties, acted in 3 of these four scenarios, thankfully I have not been required to utilize the last option, but stand ready to do so if the need arises.

    I will not speculate that this comment was actually made by a police officer.

  10. I have to slightly disagree with this post, Soldiers SHOULD get paid and receive benefits like that of SFD firefighters since a lot of folks in our military are far underpaid for their duties and SFD is far overpaid for their duties.

    What SFD has forgotten is the pride in being a firefighter. Men and women in other communities selfishly serve and protect their communities FOR FREE! It is a side gig for them to volunteer and give back. The men and women over at SFD have tried to turn a service into a career. Now granted, Salisbury is big enough that they should still employ about half dozen of upper end brass to keep the place running, but the rest of the force should come by way of volunteers. Shoot, if it were that way, I would have never quit volunteering at Station 1 15 years ago. I left because volunteers were looked down upon, yet I had the same (and sometimes more) qualifications as the paid staff and ALWAYS showed up if I wasn't working my full-time job.

    Volunteers don't get paid money, they raise money. Look at the Outcasters Open at Westside, the oyster roast at Powellville, the Carnival in Hebron, Cash bash at Parsonsburg, Oyster Sandwiches at Fruitland, the Cash Bash at Willards and the Carnival in Sharptown. All those volunteers raise money to keep their fire departments running. What does Salisbury Fire Department do to raise money? *Cricket Cricket* They wait to receive their paychecks from the City taxpayers. No wonder the volunteers are trying to go off on their own. So until you start raising some of your own money like other fire departments work so hard to do, I am paying you and I am YOUR BOSS so keep your mouths shut and do your job.

  11. Dumb comment. Not completely wrong though I guess. It definitely, in a city like Salisbury is a lot of sitting around, even in big cities. I know manhattan firefighters who haven't rolled out a hose in 6 years. Cops in cities don't have that luxury. Cops in Salisbury certainly have plenty to do, so maybe an insensitive partial truth?

  12. SFD is not allowed to have fundraising events something that stems back many years ago from the city merchants. Now there have been a few in recent years but truly frowned upon. Also requires approval of the fire chief. I volunteer for Salisbury and I wouldn't mind working a bull roast or golf tournament if allowed. Maybe this is something that should be revisited with the city fathers. Times change and with budget cuts maybe fundraising events in SFD would be allowed today. I will certainly ask at our next volunteer meeting.

  13. I'm a retired Police Officer. While working I had my issues with Volunteer Fireman, eventually they got worked out. I never agreed nor saw it necessary for 2 Fire Trucks and 10 Fireman show up at the scene of a fender bender, if I need them I would have called. They have shown up at scenes of serious accidents and I was dam glad to see them and whoever was their on scene Commander would almost always ask me what I would like for them to do. Before an Ambulance or Helicopter arrived most,not all, of the Fire Dept. Personnel there were trained or were EMT Certified but there was at least a couple who were there to assist the injured with better expertise than I.
    I don't know the problems currently being experienced between the powers that be within the County and City Government or Fire Dept. and their Volunteers, but there must be some, no pun intended, where there's smoke there's fire. I think all concerned should realize these problems are affecting the very people who pay their salaries, the tax money is being wasted and the folks you protect and serve are the ones taking the hit, these problems are damaging your effectiveness. As to salaries I have no expertise and with hold comment. Now to the comment regarding Police being trained to kill. Rather than go off on a tirade I think the author might not have been thinking when he wrote that statement. The very idea a Police Officer is trained to kill is patently false. Could I kill you? Yes, Could I shoot you? Yes. I was trained when an were to use firearms and was an Instructor in multiple firearms. I trained and did train Officers from my own Agency and others to shoot Center Mass and to Disable, not to kill. There is no question however that should myself or a citizen become involved in a life threatening situation it doesn't mean I wouldn't shoot to kill, I was good enough to do it but I wasn't trained to do it or have an involuntary mindset to do it, and I didn't want to do it, and if a situation arose where deadly force was necessary if I could, had a clear shot that would disable and not hit a vital area I would. The Firemen,the Ambulance Personnel, and the Police all have their particular responsibilities and inherent dangers connected with their profession each should be respected under their own merits.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Remember that when your house is on fire and they don't show up!

    August 9, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    Is that the best you have? I am so tired of hearing crap like that.

  15. Bold words from a narrow mind. Let's talk about this logically. Since the inception of fire departments it has become priority number 1 to promote and expand life safety measures. We don't just put out fires, we find out the why and the how. Then these statistics are used to educate the public and create legislation that helps prevent tragedies before they strike. And if you watch fire statistics from the start of prevention programs the numbers steadily decline. And our last catastrophic fire? Well there have been a few in the not so distant history. But it is because of the fire department they don't take whole cities like has happened to Salisbury twice. So yes firefighters are in essence an insurance policy. The same reason you probably have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen. You don't plan for a fire, it's there just in case. Yet you crybabies in blue ask for raises and more personnel every year, because it's necessary to effectively fight crime. Yet you keep turning over officers at a rate higher than most fast food chains, and even with more cops and higher salaries the crime rate is on the rise. So really who's wasting the money here? SFD has a cardiac arrest save rate TWICE the national average, has a response rate that exceeds the NFPA minimums, confines fires to the room of origin over 75% of the time. Yet your department is on track to set a murder record. And have to have MSP come in to solve your latest murder on Bethel. So what do you do Detective King? Investigate shoplifting? Considering that's the only regular PSA your department puts out. The real crimes come seem to always be solved by MSP or WBI. So I would tread lightly on casting stones about not being needed. And how are you going to bang us up for being allowed to sleep during a 24 hour shift when I've seen some of your officers posted up around the city taking a nap during their 12 hour shift. And I guarantee you don't go your whole shift without eating either. And the only ones playing games are the volunteers. As the game consoles belong to them. And maybe you should get an education before speaking. All of us are at minimum and EMT-B. And our department went over 7 years without a raise. And when we did get one it was NOTHING compared to the huge hike you crybabies whined to get. Comparing yourself to MSP and WCSO as an excuse to bump your salary. There was just entirely too much stupidity in your statement for me to be able to address it all. You sir are a Jack A** and represent this city, SPD, and yourself in a very bad light. And since you feel cops are trained to take lives, please tender your resignation, as cops are sworn to protect lives. And the power you get from holding that gun may get someone hurt one day, since you obviously feel like God. Jake Day, relieve this man of his post immediately!!! He is a liability carrying more than a cap gun.

  16. Maybe the cops and firefighters should solve their squabbles in a boxing ring. Oh wait, one cop was sent to shock trauma from the last bout. And that was at a "friendly" event. I'd hate to see what would happen if Little Records had a want to knock their head off.

  17. 3:07 - when you go to a gun range and practice shooting a target center mass, that is training to take a life. Your above comment exemplifies the original post perfectly. Jobs are not equal that is truth and while truth hurts, it's still truth

    1. Negative, you are training to preserve life. Because as was taught to us in the academy you do not discharge your firearm unless there is an immediate threat to a life. So while training to shoot center mass is designed to incapacitate the target quickly, the act is preservation of life. Be it yours, a fellow officers, or the general public. After shooting a suspect an officer is trained to secure him/her if possible. Once there is no threat to the officer we are trained to administer first aid. So if ending life was the training why wouldn't we be instructed to walk up and finish them with one to the head? And range training is less than 10% of a cops training. If your statement were to be true then why is shooting someone guided to be a "last resort". Please don't try to justify the disgraceful words of this "officer of the law" by using the target area during range training to make your argument. 3:06 made some valid points and must have hurt you with the truth if that is your only rebuttal to their entire statement. If you support the ideology that cops train to take a life, please drop your badge today. Because you are giving us that take our oath seriously a bad name.

  18. Whatever happened to the Fireman's Muster that they had in the park every year?

    1. Died out. Participation started dropping and economical hardships made the financing difficult.

  19. We don't get a cops pension moron. Yes we are in LEOPS. But our retirement is no where near as lucrative as yours. And we are not the only fire department in the state in the program. Don't like it? Talk to state legislators who wouldn't create a retirement system through the state that would allow for a decent retirement without breaking small municipal coffers getting started. It was them who decided to lump us in LEOPS.

    Why don't you tell the citizens about your unlimited comp time bank? Now that's a budget breaking item when your one brass has a few thousand hours of comp stacked up. And many of you have hundreds of hours stashed away that have to be paid out when you leave. Yet us worthless firefighters can bank 80 and we get counseled and at 120 have to take time off or can't accrue anymore.

    Let's talk about your waste of tax payer money fighting for county wide take home cars. Equals more cars needed when officers don't share. Let's talk about the additional two pay grades you added this budget year to award those who want to just exist and not better themselves to qualify for an actual promotion.

    You don't want to start talking about apples to apples. And frankly the whole coop needs to be cleaned. Half of your officers are ignorant and arrogant. Constantly disrespecting John Q. Public, making a calm situation toxic. Half of the other half are too p**sy to do their jobs. Just doing traffic and municipal infractions because they are afraid of criminals. And the remaining quarter are good, upstanding police officers.

    You are entitled to your opinion. And sadly most people like yourself, with very little backbone, are speaking the opinion of the majority because you think it will gain you some status in their eyes. So you have inadvertently let the world know how most of the officers in your rank view the SFD.

    And you are one of the slimiest cops I've ever known. You tarnish that badge every time you touch. How you promoted is beyond me. Oh, no it's not. You had no discrimination on who you stepped on and screwed to get where you are. You fail to remember some of us know who you really are.

  20. Can someone please tell me where to find the original post by whoever it was that started all this? I would like to read it.

    1. He has either deleted it or made his page completely private. What appears above is a copy and paste from his page. And he is Detective Jason King with SPD.

  21. Paramedics train to save lives...
    Yet 80% of life saving measures are BLS skills. Any paramedic will tell you that having a strong partner in BASIC LIFE SUPPORT is makes their job much easier and can be the deciding factor on survivability. So before you knock us "Firefighters" make sure you know something about us. ALL of us are dual trained. Either we are a FF/EMT-P or FF/EMT-B and must rotate between fire and EMS assignments. So to say we ride the coattail of EMS illustrates your utter ingnorance of what we do. How about you leave emergency services to us and police work to real cops. Because it's obvious by your statements you don't do either...

  22. This is an awesome post and right on the money.

    Jason King gets it and should run for Mayor of Salisbury.

  23. Yeah I heard about this. Poor Little Jimi Gladwell called me crying about it. I said that's Ok little fella your buddy Jim Ireton still has some of that Trump Butt Hurt balm I gave him, I'm sure he will let you borrow it.

  24. Anonymous said...
    The paid firefighters in Salisbury are lazy and don't deserve anything.

    August 9, 2017 at 11:17 AM

    You are absolutely correct. I had an acquaintance give me a tour of the new station on Cypress Street on night this past winter around 7 pm. He turned the light on in this lounge that was near the kitchen and there were 14 people that were laying back in the recliners dead asleep. They jumped up their and started scurrying like rats and mice. He caught this short guy who was wearing a white dress shirt that was completely unbuttoned and he had no shoes on. He introduced as a chief and I won't forget that his name was Gladwell. How can you forget someone that was so short that you thought it was a midget.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Ocean City does it the right way, you have to be trained as a paramedic and a firefighter to get hired. Salisbury should do the same.

    August 9, 2017 at 11:06 AM

    No they don't. They should go back to being Ocean City EMS and Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company.

    How can you say Ocean City is doing anything right when they make an untrained, uneducated, unqualified volunteer fireman the chief in charge of all highly trained paramedics. Then you pay this guy a $1 a year and turn around the following year and pay him $140,000 per year. It doesn't work that way and never will. They should have made one of the Paramedic/Firefighters the chief of the entire department and call it something else.

  26. I just got done reading a study that was done under Salisbury Fire Chief Brezler. It stated that less than 3% of total calls in the city were fire related??? Only 3% of the call volume was fire related. That means that nearly 97% of the call volume is EMS related.

    So I have one question for all you Salisbury Fire Trolls out there making the numerous comments on here.

    If only 3% of the calls are fire related and 97% of the calls are EMS related then why is it called the "Salisbury Fire Department?"

    Shouldn't it really be called Salisbury Emergency Medical Services Department!!!

    I'm waiting Trolls. Please explain this one.

    1. I doubt you are reading that study. Because that study actually put a ratio closer to 60/40. Because in Brezler's day there was many more "working fires" than today. And that's directly relative to education and prevention efforts. Even today it's close to 80/20. NEVER has any study documented a 97/3 ratio. Go troll somewhere else...

  27. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury firefighters ARE firefighter/EMTs and Paramedics. It's a prerequisite to be hired!

    August 9, 2017 at 11:52 AM

    Have you ever heard of RINO's and DINO's?? In Name Only.

    That means your firefighter/EMT's ARE EMT's in name only. They rarely if ever provide emergency medical care. Like the police officer said the Paramedics are the ones that run their asses off, not the firemen with an EMT patch that just stands around.

    This police office is not dumb at all so why is the Salisbury Mayor so dumb? The only thing that I can guess is that the Wannabe Mayor is also a Wannabe Soldier so he can relate and he is just like the acting Farmin. What a piece of work you guys are.

    1. You have no clue!!! I work the ambulance every other shift on average and better than 60% of our calls are BLS transports. And on all ALS calls they are still BLS skills that I complete for the paramedic before getting in the drivers seat to transport.

      It's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury firefighters ARE firefighter/EMTs and Paramedics. It's a prerequisite to be hired!

    August 9, 2017 at 11:52 AM

    ooooooh Mr. Fireman/EMT do you feel like a hero because you ride fast to those ambulance calls so you can just stand around.

    I bet you go around all day long making siren sounds like "hhhhrrrrrrnnnnngggg" "woop woop woop" "hhhhrrrrrrnnnnngggg."

    You are a real tool you are.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "COPS are trained to TAKE a life." <- Dumb, just plain dumb. If that is your mentality you should not have a badge.

    August 9, 2017 at 12:15 PM

    NO it's not dumb you liberal Democrap!! We live in a society today, thanks to Obama and Libtards like you. It's either kill or be killed. If you don't understand what he means then you are too stupid to comment. YOU are the one that is dumb!

    1. And it's cops like you with this kind of mentality that are shooting people in the back as they flee. P**sies with guns is all most of you are anymore. Ohhhh, I got bullied and beat up in school, let me be a cop so I can have the power to end a life if I feel like it, and then say "I feared for my life". Go to hell you piece of garbage.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Fruitland cops way overpaid,all they do is give out speeding tickets,and pick up Walmart shop lifters

    August 9, 2017 at 12:56 PM

    Well guess what buddy!! If you would stop speeding and stealing from Walmart then you wouldn't hate the Fruitland Police officers so much. Thank you for your Service Fruitland PD!!

  31. Mr. Albero you really should put a picture of a Salisbury Fire Truck or something fire related on this. This would be one real HOT article if they saw that first and then took the time to read it. These types of articles need a drawing card to get their attention first. I'm dying to see a lot more comments especially after the word gets out about this awesome article.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Pretty strong words from an officer(detective, at that) who's city is on a record breaking pace for murders and violent crimes. Maybe we should re-evaluate YOUR raises and worth?

    August 9, 2017 at 11:55 AM

    They may be strong words in your opinion and the murders have nothing to do with his comment. Neither does the fact that he is a detective. You are just deflecting so that people will stop bashing the Salisbury Fire Department. Grow up paid Farmin and get some balls. If you don't like this then you should have become a police officer, a real hero.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am a police officer. I am not sure what spurned this comment, but I respect firefighters, both paid and volunteer, I believe we are all doing different parts of the same job, serving and protecting. Sure there is some good natured ball busting between professions, but in my eyes, its all in fun. We are all doing a job that most people don't want, or can't do.

    What concerns me however is the comment that cops are trained to "take a life". I don't know what this person is talking about, because I was trained to SAVE a life. Whether it be by administering first aid, performing CPR, removing a victim from a hazard situation, or the application of deadly force to protect the innocent. I have, in my duties, acted in 3 of these four scenarios, thankfully I have not been required to utilize the last option, but stand ready to do so if the need arises.

    I will not speculate that this comment was actually made by a police officer.

    August 9, 2017 at 1:08 PM

    Trust me YOU are not a police officer.

    When people start off their comments like "I am a police officer..." You know they are lying. It's just like that racist that says "My best friend is black."

    This man has been shot at and he is the hero, not you.

    I challenge you to sign your name Mr. I am a Police Officer.

  34. Paramedics and Police Officers are the only heroes in Salisbury. This Officer knows exactly what is going on and he knows where the money is wasted.

    Can you imaging how much money the tax payers would save if that clown Boi Mare Fake Jake Day would quit wasting money on the fire department for paid firemen and brand new fire stations and fire trucks. Unbelievable.

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pretty strong words from an officer(detective, at that) who's city is on a record breaking pace for murders and violent crimes. Maybe we should re-evaluate YOUR raises and worth?

    August 9, 2017 at 11:55 AM

    You are right we live in a city that is on a record breaking pace for murders and violent crimes this stupid mayor and council is wasting money on paid firemen and new fire stations and now new fire trucks. NEXT!

  36. ex ff said...
    Listening to the scanner during the emergency the firefighters in Salisbury seemed lost and didn't know what to do. Running around like chickens with heads cut off

    August 9, 2017 at 11:51 AM

    Oh you should have heard them during the tornado. They were trying to dispatch themselves to calls when Central should have been doing it. One group is telling them they need to go check out the building that has collapsed then the idiot commander on the fire engine is sarcastically yelling back at them that they had already been there and they needed to go somewhere else. It was chaos and what we call in the Emergency Services a "Cluster F***." It was embarrassing for the Salisbury Fire Department and that fat wannabe chief who wouldn't make a pimple on a real fire chiefs butt.

  37. During the tornado on Monday(8/7/2017), I would say it was the biggest Cluster F*** that I have ever heard in the history of the Salisbury Fire Department. The calls were getting backed up in the "Salisbury Fire District" and Assistant Chief 1 wanted to establish "City Wide Command," Whatever the heck that is?? Then Deputy Chief 1 was trying to take over something, but he couldn't get a word in edgewise. Then the Big Cheese(Lard@ss Hoppes) jumped in on the air and claimed he was going to be citywide command and the "Command Post" was going to be at "Headquarters." He wanted Assistant Chief 1 to do a face to face with him.

    In the mean time 8 calls were backed up and pending in the Salisbury Fire District. Why Chris Hopkins, who is a Supervisor and ended up dispatching, didn't dispatch the mutual aid from surrounding companies like he was required to do?? That's right Supervisor Chris Hopkins at Wicomico EOC was just as much the problem with this delay as Rick Hoppes was. There were 8 calls that weren't dispatched and people called in for someone to handle their emergency.

    Minutes went by and Rick Hoppes(I refuse to call him Chief) then decides to ask Central what calls were pending so that he could "Prioritize" the calls and decide what to do with them. Meanwhile Rick Hoppes, City Wide Command, has absolutely NO training or experience in dispatching calls. He has no medical training for Emergency Medical Dispatch(EMD) so there was a lot of negligence during that tornado on Monday.

    Rick Hoppes and the rest of the so called chiefs have no EMD training so they need to stop this "Citywide Command" Bullsh!t. Leave it to the experts at Wicomico EOC who does have the training! Let them do their damn jobs!

  38. Mayor Jake Day‏ @jacobrday Mar 6

    SBY fee moratorium grows homeownership in #Salisbury #capitaloftheeasternshore @CityofSBY

    0 replies 1 retweet 4 likes

    I just saw this tweet on the Boi Mare's twitter account. "#capitaloftheeeasternshore" Who in the living Hell does Jake Day think he is claiming that Salisbury is the Capital of the Eastern Shore??? I know a lot people all over the Eastern Shore that can't stand Salisbury and won't come anywhere near it because of the ghetto's and crime.

  39. Anonymous said...
    I have to slightly disagree with this post, Soldiers SHOULD get paid and receive benefits like that of SFD firefighters since a lot of folks in our military are far underpaid for their duties and SFD is far overpaid for their duties.

    What SFD has forgotten is the pride in being a firefighter. Men and women in other communities selfishly serve and protect their communities FOR FREE! It is a side gig for them to volunteer and give back. The men and women over at SFD have tried to turn a service into a career. Now granted, Salisbury is big enough that they should still employ about half dozen of upper end brass to keep the place running, but the rest of the force should come by way of volunteers. Shoot, if it were that way, I would have never quit volunteering at Station 1 15 years ago. I left because volunteers were looked down upon, yet I had the same (and sometimes more) qualifications as the paid staff and ALWAYS showed up if I wasn't working my full-time job.

    Volunteers don't get paid money, they raise money. Look at the Outcasters Open at Westside, the oyster roast at Powellville, the Carnival in Hebron, Cash bash at Parsonsburg, Oyster Sandwiches at Fruitland, the Cash Bash at Willards and the Carnival in Sharptown. All those volunteers raise money to keep their fire departments running. What does Salisbury Fire Department do to raise money? *Cricket Cricket* They wait to receive their paychecks from the City taxpayers. No wonder the volunteers are trying to go off on their own. So until you start raising some of your own money like other fire departments work so hard to do, I am paying you and I am YOUR BOSS so keep your mouths shut and do your job.

    August 9, 2017 at 1:21 PM

    Most of your comment is spot on. You made some good points and you made the case that the volunteers were run off so that the paid firemen could justify their jobs.

  40. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    SFD is not allowed to have fundraising events something that stems back many years ago from the city merchants. Now there have been a few in recent years but truly frowned upon. Also requires approval of the fire chief. I volunteer for Salisbury and I wouldn't mind working a bull roast or golf tournament if allowed. Maybe this is something that should be revisited with the city fathers. Times change and with budget cuts maybe fundraising events in SFD would be allowed today. I will certainly ask at our next volunteer meeting.

    August 9, 2017 at 1:45 PM

    How do you volunteer when the good ones were run off. You must really like playing second fiddle to the paid farmin.

  41. Rut Roh! I just heard that Shorty, I mean Jimi Gladwell is having a fit right now about this post on Facebook. He has screen captured it and contacted all his chief officers buddies wanting a written apology or they will start a war with the police department.

    What is there to apologize for? That is what is wrong with this country everyone is offend and want their own safe space because someone told the truth. Yes paid firemen are overpaid. Is that a lie?

  42. Anonymous said...
    Can someone please tell me where to find the original post by whoever it was that started all this? I would like to read it.

    August 9, 2017 at 10:01 PM

    Didn't you just read it?

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pensions have become nothing but a government perk to government employees, on the backs of taxpayers.

    August 9, 2017 at 12:02 PM

    Try not giving a pension to government employees you dumb jerk. If you need the services from good employees you will offer a pension. I'm sorry you couldn't find a career that offered a pension for you. Moron! In the private sector the perk is also offered on the backs of tax payers, the customers doing business are tax payers and they pay for the perk with the service or product they pay for you dumb moron.

  44. The best way to fix the problems in Salisbury is to dismantle the fire department. By that I mean take the ambulances and rescue truck and move them into another building and go back to Salisbury E.M.S. and Salisbury Fire Department. All career paramedics will go with the ambulances/medic units and if need be the Firefighter/EMT's can apply for any positions they had open. If the current paramedics don't want to go with the E.M.S. Division then they can find a job somewhere else.

    Think about this, who has to come in Salisbury and bail them out all the time?? Multiple times a day you will see EMS units from Parsonsburg, Delmar, Fruitland and Hebron coming into Salisbury and handling the calls for them. Salisbury has always had more firemen than EMS personnel and why? Like the Salisbury Police Officer said "When is the last time your community suffered from a catastrophic fire?" When? When was there a need for paid firemen when it's rare to have fires. Just because they respond to a lot of car wrecks, MVC's, doesn't mean they are needed. Did you know that Salisbury and Fruitland never responded a fire truck on car accidents with reported injury?? It was done for the simple reason that the leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department was looking for a reason to increase their call volume. MVC's was the answer! In order to accomplish this they had to get Fruitland to buy into it since everyone else in the county was already responding a fire truck on reported car accidents with injuries. Doesn't mean it was needed. As a matter of fact Fruitland didn't even have an ambulance then They were a true "Fire Department." There are so many MVC's in this city and most all of them are just fender benders. So what do firemen do on those MVC's? Just stand around hoping someone will take a picture so they can post it on Facebook. Look at me, Look at me!

    Here is what happens. When someone calls 911 and says there is a car accident at so and so location or intersection and someone is complaining of some pain or an injury a fire engine and ambulance is dispatched. Ok, there is an injury. There is no rhyme or reason why a fire truck is dispatched for an accident with injuries. Just in case there is a fire? Just in case there is a gas spill? Ok then why isn't a fire truck dispatched to an MVC without injuries? The bottom line is the fact that a fire truck is NOT needed on MVC's! If they were the Salisbury Fire Department would have automatically responded on them prior to when they did.

    As I was writing this I heard Station 16 fire and Paramedic 16 dispatched for an MVC involving a pedestrian in the parking lot of Food Lion on Nanticoke Road. Engine-Tanker 1-1 responded with paid fireman out of Station 16. Really? An engine-tanker carrying a lot of water responding very fast with lights and siren to someone with a boo boo in the Food Lion parking lot. Maybe they were afraid the pedestrian was going to catch on fire.

    Does anyone remember the year that the Salisbury Fire Department and the Fruitland Fire Department started responding on reported MVC's with injuries?

    As a matter of fact the city should buy back the old fire station across from the library and put all the ambulances in there. You can even put the rescue truck in that building and let the EMS division handle the rescue calls like they do in many jurisdictions. True rescue companies handle EMS and rescues with entrapment.

    It can be done. the City of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has EMS totally separate from the the fire department. Pittsburgh EMS handles ALL EMS, Rescue and Special Operations. It can be done in Salisbury. Google it if you don't believe me. Cleveland Ohio is the same way. EMS is not provided through the fire department. It can be done in Salisbury.

    The bottom line is that EMS in Salisbury is being used by the paid firemen to justify their jobs and the two need to be separate! Can you imagine the millions of dollars that could be saved! Just do it!

  45. Anonymous said...
    BS!!! You have to be an EMT-B to get hired. They have FF/EMT positions

    August 9, 2017 at 2:22 PM

    Are you mad?

  46. Anonymous said...
    BS!!! You have to be an EMT-B to get hired. They have FF/EMT positions

    August 9, 2017 at 2:22 PM

    They do have FF/EMT positions, but they are not needed. The trend is for all Advance Life Support, meaning all Paramedics. Mayor Tilghman and Mayor Ireton along with the city councils approved numerous paramedic positions in the fire department budget, but David See and Rick Hoppes refused to hire paramedics. They even hired a couple FF/EMT's on a contract and sent them to paramedic school. Those same EMT's failed out of paramedic school and are now paid fire officers. These guys fraudulently got hired by the city and ripped off the taxpayers. They should have been fired, but when you have losers like See and Hoppes what do you expect.

  47. Jake Day tweeted this about the Station 1 Volunteers

    Mayor Jake Day‏ @jacobrday 10 hours ago

    Chamber & GSC: We don’t need a new fire district "Delmarvanow Story" redacted the url

    Large pic of Mike Dumb

    This Daily Rag story about the Chamber and the Greater Salisbury Committee is just two idiots taking sides with Jake Day. I am a member of both organizations and I am getting sick and tire of both organizations doing things like this and making comments and decisions on my behalf without asking me. Who the Hell does Mike Dunn think he is anyway!!

  48. As far as retirement in fire/EMS, the LEOPS is a good pension and our (SFD) being added provides a good perk for attracting good candidates for employees. It augments a pay scale that is typically lower than other comparable agencies with little progression and serious compression issues.
    ALL SFD career personnel are, at a minimum, Firefighter/EMT-B certified. Several on each shift are Paramedics as well.
    All of the firefighters rotate through time in the fire apparatus and the ambulance with very few exceptions.
    Those two personnel working the ambulances for their 24 hour shift are typically an EMT and a Paramedic. They rotate through the calls as needed. The vast majority of EMS calls are BLS. No EMT is just going to "stand around and do nothing" on the scene.
    As far as showing up with "two apparatus and 10 people for a fender bender", we respond based in how the call is dispatched. Minimum for a car accident is one apparatus and one ambulance, reported rescue will get the second apparatus and ambulance along with the duty chief.
    We all have a job to do in emergency services and reason why we respond a certain way to certain calls. Overall safety for our personnel, the operations on the scene and the citizens we are serving dictate how and why.
    Instead of throwing out generalities on a blog, stop by a fire station and ask questions. We are there to serve and happy to answer questions from the public.

  49. Anonymous said...
    As far as retirement in fire/EMS, the LEOPS is a good pension and our (SFD) being added provides a good perk for attracting good candidates for employees. It augments a pay scale that is typically lower than other comparable agencies with little progression and serious compression issues.
    ALL SFD career personnel are, at a minimum, Firefighter/EMT-B certified. Several on each shift are Paramedics as well.
    All of the firefighters rotate through time in the fire apparatus and the ambulance with very few exceptions.
    Those two personnel working the ambulances for their 24 hour shift are typically an EMT and a Paramedic. They rotate through the calls as needed. The vast majority of EMS calls are BLS. No EMT is just going to "stand around and do nothing" on the scene.
    As far as showing up with "two apparatus and 10 people for a fender bender", we respond based in how the call is dispatched. Minimum for a car accident is one apparatus and one ambulance, reported rescue will get the second apparatus and ambulance along with the duty chief.
    We all have a job to do in emergency services and reason why we respond a certain way to certain calls. Overall safety for our personnel, the operations on the scene and the citizens we are serving dictate how and why.
    Instead of throwing out generalities on a blog, stop by a fire station and ask questions. We are there to serve and happy to answer questions from the public.

    August 10, 2017 at 12:58 PM

    The bottom line is there isn't a need for all the paid firemen that the original poster is referring to and he is correct. As he mentioned in his comments it's all about economics. That is correct.

    Please explain why Salisbury and Fruitland didn't respond a fire truck on all 10-50 PI's or MVC's? Would it be because it isn't needed, but now it helps with job security.

    Please explain "reason why we respond a certain way to certain calls. Overall safety for our personnel, the operations on the scene and the citizens?" So all of a sudden you respond extra fire trucks to a 10-50 PI or MVC is now because of the overall safety for the fire personnel and the citizens?? Do you mean that "safety" wasn't a concern all those previous years? No you really mean that responding fire trucks to 10-50 PI's or MVC's is to jack up the call numbers to take to the dumb mayor and council to say "look mr. mayor and city council we ran on all this bad calls and we need more paid firemen." Why doesn't a fire truck respond to the numerous, hundreds to thousands of car wrecks where an ambulance isn't dispatched to if it wasn't for the "safety" of the "citizen" that were involved in the car accident or even the safety of the police officers? Why doesn't the police department call you to assist them with their safety? We know because they don't need you guys to stand around and do nothing while someone claims to be "Rt. 13 Command." You people are a joke with all your lies just to justify your jobs.

  50. He Joe I just went back to the Facebook page and his post was removed. I guess the crybaby Farmin complained to their buddy the Boi Mare and he forced ole Barb to make the officer take it down. F'n Crybabies. I hope the Democrat Mayor gave you a new safe space because you were offended.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You have no clue!!! I work the ambulance every other shift on average and better than 60% of our calls are BLS transports. And on all ALS calls they are still BLS skills that I complete for the paramedic before getting in the drivers seat to transport.

    It's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt.

    August 10, 2017 at 12:24 PM

    Ok humor me Ambulance Driver, what are those important BLS skills that are so important that you have to complete for the paramedic before getting in the driver seat to drive.

    It's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt.

  52. 1:49
    If you are going to KEEP using the same quote at least get it right!

  53. Anonymous said...
    I doubt you are reading that study. Because that study actually put a ratio closer to 60/40. Because in Brezler's day there was many more "working fires" than today. And that's directly relative to education and prevention efforts. Even today it's close to 80/20. NEVER has any study documented a 97/3 ratio. Go troll somewhere else...

    August 10, 2017 at 12:27 PM

    ROTFLMAO!!! In 2003 the call volume for fires wasn't 60:40(by the way this is the sign for ratio ":"). You not as smart as you thought you were. I have the study in front of me and I have been following and studying the fire service much longer than you have. It states if very clearly that fire related calls were almost 3%. Not sure where your common core math is coming from, but just because you think riding around getting lunch and dinner or chasing ambulance calls constitutes a "fire call" you are sadly mistaken Bozo. I have the study in front of me, prove me wrong... TROLL!!

  54. Anonymous said...
    If you are going to KEEP using the same quote at least get it right!

    August 10, 2017 at 1:53 PM

    What are you babbling about??

  55. Anonymous said...
    And it's cops like you with this kind of mentality that are shooting people in the back as they flee. P**sies with guns is all most of you are anymore. Ohhhh, I got bullied and beat up in school, let me be a cop so I can have the power to end a life if I feel like it, and then say "I feared for my life". Go to hell you piece of garbage.

    August 10, 2017 at 12:29 PM

    Speaking of Pussy, I bet you won't tell him to his face! Talking behind his face because you are a coward. Calling him a pussy under anonymous is what a coward would do. We know it's a paid Farmin so it's no big deal. When we get a real mayor he will for a Department of Public Safety and do away with the paid fireman jobs.

  56. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Paramedics train to save lives...
    Yet 80% of life saving measures are BLS skills. Any paramedic will tell you that having a strong partner in BASIC LIFE SUPPORT is makes their job much easier and can be the deciding factor on survivability. So before you knock us "Firefighters" make sure you know something about us. ALL of us are dual trained. Either we are a FF/EMT-P or FF/EMT-B and must rotate between fire and EMS assignments. So to say we ride the coattail of EMS illustrates your utter ingnorance of what we do. How about you leave emergency services to us and police work to real cops. Because it's obvious by your statements you don't do either...

    August 10, 2017 at 8:04 AM

    Ummm... NO, You read that statement on a t-shirt you dumb cuckold!

    For the record any dummy can wrap a BP cuff around an arm and hit the start button on an electronic BP monitor. Basic EMT's are just like firemen, you can train a monkey to do their jobs. How hard is it to pull a nozzle back and put wet stuff on the red stuff. Word!

    Oh by the way, before you start calling someone "ingnorance" learn how to spell the different variations of the word.

  57. At 1250 hours Station 16 and 2 got dispatched for a Rescue at Perdue on Willow Street for a subject trapped in a machine.

    Engine 16 responds and never advises they arrive on scene.
    Deputy Chief 2 responded and arrived on scene and established command.
    Assistant Chief 1 arrives on scene.
    EMS 1 responds then says he is going to the station.
    Deputy Chief 2 tells Assistant Chief 2 to take command because he wanted to go inside without gear on and be nosy.
    Truck 1 responds to the scene.
    Truck 2 responds to the scene.
    Central asks Command if Engine 16 is on the scene yet? Command says "that's right Engine 16 with 20S and 4, a total of 5."
    Rescue 16 finally responds with Eric Cramer saying "Responding with EMS 1 and 2. WTH is an EMS 1 and 2??
    All this fire apparatus and no Paramedic ambulance for a serious EMS call. WTF!! This proves where the priorities are at the Salisbury Fire Department and it's not EMS. The first priority is to secure job security for the paid firemen. That is why Firefighters should NOT be running EMS. That is why that Salisbury Police officer who made that Facebook post knows that paid firemen are OVERPAID and NOT NEEDED!
    Assistant Chief 2 accepts command
    Finally Assistant Chief 2 asks Central if there is an ambulance responding. Central said "Command I think that B-1 is responding???"
    Ambulance B-1 pipes in and says "that's correct Central we are responding."

    Deputy Chief 2(Darrin Scott) who sneaked into Perdue to be nosy says "Deputy Chief 2 to command can you have someone bring us some oxygen?(no ambulance on the scene, but they are "providing EMS with no oxygen. "I thought they provided the best Basic Life support around." And I thought that "80% of life saving measures are BLS skills. Any paramedic will tell you that having a strong partner in BASIC LIFE SUPPORT is makes their job much easier and can be the deciding factor on survivability??" Ok then where the heck is the OXYGEN!!)"

    B-1 finally arrived on the scene 2:57, the last unit on the scene. Took almost 10 minutes to get there and NO PARAMEDIC on board. It was an EMS call so why wasn't it the first unit on the scene? Why wasn't an ambulance the first unit to respond.

    "Purdue Command under control" at 1501 hours.

    Ambulance B-1 left for the hospital at 1505.
    Deputy Chief 2 left the scene at 1507 hours.
    Engine 16 left the scene at 1507 hours.
    Ambulance B-1 arrived at the hospital at 1508 hours. Approximately 20 minutes on the scene and the patient was extricated without tools. Approximately 20 minutes on the scene and the hospital is only a minute away. Poor patient.

    More than 15 paid firemen standing around. I guess that Salisbury police officer was 100% accurate.

    "Assistant Chief 1 is available" at 1517 hours.

    If you think this looks and sounds like a big Cluster F***(fire department terminology) then you you can only imagine what it was like at Monday's hurricane.

  58. Seems like this last post shut them up "them" being the paid firefighters who have an agenda of maintaining their undeserved "hero" status and misplaced tax payer funded paychecks along with that police retirement package that they never earned. If the public really knew what these guys do, as captured in the last post, there would be an uproar. Huge waste of tax dollars.

  59. Yesterday..all my troubles seemed so for away.
    All started fighting and losing respect for one another when the failed dude entered our White House in 2012. Defend the subject all you want, you know it's true. Hang in there boy's and girl's, we have a great leader now. Things will get better for you.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  60. And with all this Jake Day, John Cannon and Rick Hoppes are trying to block a volunteer station of trained people with their own bought and paid for equipment. Somehow this is the dumbest thing ever. Canning free help for their ego trips. As a county taxpayer I want the volunteers supported and funded like the rest of the county departments. More manpower and equipment is what they need, stop robbing Fruitland, Parsonsburg, Delmar and Hebron of their protection on every reported fire call and utilize station 13 . And in turn leave the city fire crews in the city when county departments need assistance send station 13 to their aid. Seems like the logical answer. But no they want to discredit, run down the volunteers. It's all a power trip for narrow minded people.

  61. Now the career firefighters can't get along with the city police, can't get along and run off the volunteers at station 1 now attacking the brothers in blue. Who's the problem here ? Seems paid firemen can't get along with anyone now. Next they will attack the roads division because they get a paycheck. No wonder the volunteers left, crybabies with tin badges and fake medals to proclaim how important they think they are. All I can say is wow. This city is in trouble while that kid mayor bounces around on social media proclaiming he's the greatest king of the land. And Salisbury goes down the crapper. Glad I don't live in that stagnet cesspool anymore.


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