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Monday, August 07, 2017

A Cannabis Company is buying an Entire Town in the US

NIPTON, California — Now that one of the nation's largest cannabis companies has bought the California desert town of Nipton, a question remains: Will the new owners rename the place Potsylvania?

The name Weed already belongs to an old mill town in Northern California.

American Green Inc. announced Thursday it would buy all 80 acres of Nipton, including its Old West-style hotel, a handful of houses, an RV park, and a coffee shop. Its plans are to transform the old Gold Rush town into what it calls "an energy-independent, cannabis-friendly hospitality destination."

The town's current owner, Roxanne Lang, said the sale was still in escrow but confirmed American Green was the buyer. She declined to reveal the price before the sale closed but noted that she and her husband, Gerald Freeman, now deceased, listed the property at $5 million when they put it up for sale last year.

Asked what her husband would think of the buyers' plans to turn Nipton into the pot paradise of the California desert, she laughed heartily.



  1. This country has gone so far down hill , past the point of no return. It's almost over folks , get ready for some big crap. Thanks obama!

  2. This place is as close to a ghost town as it can get. The purchase and renovation can bring it new life.

  3. States rights if Cali wants to do this let them they are a failed state anyway.

  4. Yeah, a failed state that's the six largest economy in the world. smh.

  5. Folks this is called freedom, and recently we have enjoyed very little taste of it.
    Get over your need to criticize the way others choose to live.
    Live and let live.

    Enjoy your life and allow others to do the same.

  6. 10:41 says the person living in the state with two of the worst cities for violence and poverty...

    901 maybe you should go out there and loosen up a bit :)

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This country has gone so far down hill , past the point of no return. It's almost over folks , get ready for some big crap. Thanks obama!

    August 7, 2017 at 9:01 AM

    While I tend to agree with you about this country going downhill, I don't think it has passed the point of no return...YET. But like you, I do think it will get worse before it gets better and there is some "big crap" coming. lol. And a lot of the crap we already have IS due to that "biggest scam perpetrated on the American people" as said by Clint Eastwood.

    But I don't think a whole town devoted to the sale and use of marijuana is endangering our lives or safety. If one does not like it they do not have to visit it, and probably should avoid it and let people live their lives as they see fit.

    The demonization of marijuana began many decades ago and was a result of racist views against Mexicans at the time, as was opiate bans used against the Chinese. You don't have to take my word for it a search will bring them both up and more. It was just another lie we were fed by our government. Shocker.

    And recently something was published declaring that pot use contributed to LESS violent crime. Again, a search will bring that up also. Personally, I don't enjoy smoking it but I am looking into the medical uses of it and have recently ordered some CBD products to hopefully help with my pain and reduce or eliminate my use of opiates, which are much more harmful than marijuana.

    Have you noticed that even Congress has started questioning why pot is a schedule 1 drug while harder drugs such as cocaine and others are deemed less hazardous? It's about time they look at that, past due actually. Marijuana is not the monster drug it has been proclaimed to be. Just a threat to the profits of the pharmaceutical industry.

  8. A great idea. It going to be the disney world for pot smokers. Could you imagine a psychedelic pirates of the Caribbean ride after you get stoned?


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