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Thursday, August 31, 2017

70th National Hard Crab Derby on Labor Day weekend

CRISFIELD — Tropical Storm Hermine may have knocked out most of last year’s National Hard Crab Derby schedule but that hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm among committee chairs organizing the upcoming 70th annual event.

All of the traditional activities from pageants to parades to boat races and boat docking are planned with the Crab Derby and Crab Picking competitions the two featured events on Saturday of Labor Day weekend.

Some schedule changes include the pageant for Little Miss and Mr. Crustacean being held Friday, Sept. 1, the day after Miss Crustacean is crowned. Typically it was held the week before. As this is the 70th year, chairs of both pageants are inviting former title-holders to attend. Tickets for each are now on sale at the Chamber of Commerce office.

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1 comment:

  1. Now no concert on Saturday night but in the good there is no admission on Saturday either..


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