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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

10,000 Students Just Got Schooled On What “Freedom Of Speech” Is, And It’s Beautiful

It’s no surprise that students today are more sensitive than generations before them. Years of being told that they are the best and brightest children to ever walk the face of the earth has inflated their sense of importance, while living in education bubbles where “triggers” and “feelings” reign supreme has made them scared to confront opposing points of view. And one motivational speaker is calling them out.

Throughout all of history, children have been taught that words don’t hurt, Gibbs told the students. “Words only have the power that you give them,” he said.

“You see, when you believe that you have a human right that everyone must be nice to you, you’re setting yourself up for failure,” Gibbs continued. “You’re creating in yourself a victimization mentality. Because when people are mean to you, you say, ‘you have no right!’. No, they do have a right. It may be immorally wrong, but it is their constitutional right. In fact, the right we have in this nation is the right to free speech. Even if it is mean. Even if it is hateful.”


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