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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Women’s March Surrounded by Armed Guards As They Protest NRA, Gun Rights

True to the left’s habit of having one set of standards for itself and another set for the common man, participants in Friday’s Women’s March against the NRA and gun rights were surrounded by armed guards.

In fact, NRA TV showed Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory getting into a car with armed guards all around:

Such frauds, @NRATV @rangerholton just showed Tamika Mallory getting into a car surrounded by armed guards

"Every step of the way” #NRA2DOJ https://t.co/4ihElLlvQx

— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) July 14, 2017

Ironically, one of the protest themes at the march was, “Real Men Don’t Need Guns,” which is lefty talk for disarming the public while making sure high-profile liberals continue to live ensconced behind layers of armed security.

Townhall reports:

"Leftist agitators like Linda Sarsour and Shannon Watts hiring armed protection while demanding the rest of us turn in our guns into government bureaucrats is nothing new. Watts does the same every time she shows up to protest at the NRA annual meeting. Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who pays Watts millions to take away the Second Amendment rights of everyday Americans, doesn’t go anywhere without his security detail."

More here


  1. Just a bunch of Hippocrates.

  2. Ah yes a bunch of old Greek philosophers...

  3. I bet your A.. that was that Looney Sue Olsen of PALs here in Salisbury leading that bullshi$


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