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Friday, July 21, 2017

Wicomico Health Department Investigating Potential Pertussis Exposure

Salisbury, MD (July 21, 2017) - The Wicomico County Health Department is currently investigating the possible exposure to pertussis, also known as “whooping cough”, of children who attended a vacation bible school held July 10-14, 2017, at Immanuel Baptist Church in Salisbury, MD.

Pertussis is a highly contagious illness that begins with mild, cold-like symptoms including cough and runny nose. These first symptoms typically appear seven to ten days after a person is exposed. The cough usually worsens over the following weeks and becomes spasmodic. The cough may be followed by a “whooping” sound. The spasms of cough may also be followed by vomiting.

Some persons with pertussis may have very mild symptoms (mild cough with no other symptoms) and may not realize that they are sick or contagious. Pertussis is most severe in infants and can cause death. Pertussis is spread through coughing or sneezing. It can also be spread by sharing food or utensils with someone who has pertussis.

Pertussis is treated with antibiotics. Children who take appropriate antibiotics are no longer contagious after the fifth day of antibiotic treatment. Without antibiotic treatment, a person with pertussis is considered to be contagious and can spread the illness to others, for three weeks after the cough starts. It is important that ill children stay at home away from others (especially from infants and young children) while potentially contagious.

Wicomico County Health Department is stressing the importance of ensuring family vaccinations are up-to-date. Pertussis vaccine is administered to children in combination with diphtheria and tetanus vaccine (DTaP) in a five-dose series and protects children against whooping cough. For adolescents, a Tdap booster is recommended at age 11-12 years. Parents should check with their health care provider ensure children’s shots are up-to-date.

Parents who have children who attended the bible school should watch for symptoms of pertussis over the next several weeks. If any symptoms are identified, parents should contact their child’s primary care physician, as well as the Wicomico County Health Department at (410) 543-6943, as soon as possible.


  1. Any elderly person or person at high risk due to an underlying illness is now at risk as well. How is this right?

    1. How is it wrong? In any generally healthy person it mimics the common cold or even seasonal allergies.

  2. People sneaking across the border bringing in disease.

    1. More like stupid native-born white yuppie parents refusing to get those kids vaccinated because "it causes autism", a claim debunked literally hundreds of times in scientific studies.

    2. Wow, what a shallow comment.

    3. 👆🏼truth

  3. Maybe the church should be held accountable.....any screenings on shots for immunization on kids allowed to participate.....like when kids start school???

    1. That's not even in the realm of possibility for most churches....they aren't privy to or even potentially legally allowed to request proof of vaccination status. It's an entirely free program staffed by volunteers, and I'm talking about all Vacation bible school programs, not just this one.

  4. There 10's of millions illegals in this country so the chances of 10 "native-born white yuppie parents" to use your racist term is high unlikely. Stop spreading disease.

  5. Why is it anytime something happens race or or where someone comes from comes out of peoples mouths. The yuppie white people or immigrant statement was not called for. Thats whats wrong with this world now. Need to jus alert everyone about the POSSIBLE outbreak. Lord help people with narrow minds.

  6. This is because of all of the idiot anti vaxxers.

  7. You say until you HAVE children with autism!! I have my kids titers checked regualarly.
    Its the illegals bringing it all in. HIV, tuberculosis, pertussis. Stop them from crossing.

  8. many diseases are wiped out from this country, but may still be active in other countries. Anybody coming from or traveling to another country can pick those germs up and bring them in...It may not necessarily coming from Illegals....Air travel today can bring in anything. When it comes to anti vaxers they put their children at risk of picking up and getting and spreading these diseases...but you must do what you think is best for your children...many wait and dont give those vaccines and then when those kids get ready to go to school, they have to play catch up and get so many at a time...stop waiting and get them done when they are due...its easier on them spread out...if you have travels abroad and come back and get sick maybe you should go and get checked out...to be sure....but most docs now days will ask if you have been out of the country anyway,,,stop being so cruel in the way you blame people for things...because nobody as of yet knows how it got here.


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