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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What's Happening 7-26-17

What's happening in the area?  Let everyone know.  The good, the bad, and the ugly!


  1. This economy still in bad shape,put money into 401k every month just for it to go down or stay the same,taxes on small business outrageous,housing and health care way overpriced compared to wages and the list goes on.

  2. The stock market is at an all time high. If your 401k is going down or staying the same, you need to get a certified investment advisor or learn to manage your investments yourself. No excuse for losing money in this market until it crashes.

  3. There's some sort of BUTT UGLY black posts being installed in the median strip on Bus. 50 between Truitt St and Main St!

    What the heck are these things???

  4. 1. the good
    went to lunch at market street
    2. the bad
    some kind of political event there.
    3.the ugly
    Ireton was there.

  5. Sure wish the mail carrier could throw junk mail in the trash, instead of my box.

  6. I'm hearing less and less about ISIS,and that's very good.


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