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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Trump's Been President for Six Months Now MAGA


  1. Why hasn't he done anything of substance? We need tax reform/no obamacare/national ccw.

    1. 10:46. Yep still waiting for the WINNING!!!

  2. The President's greatest accomplishment is that he kept Hillary Clinton out of the White House. Even if he does nothing else for the next 3 1/2 years that is still a worthy achievement.

  3. Working everyday to repeal the harmful regulations of Obama.
    Favorites so far: Removal from Paris Climate Deal and Judgeship/Cabinet appointments. President Trump has weakened the chokehold MSM has on society and is working to ensure American elections are clean and fair. Yes, we are reclaiming more of America each day!

  4. 12:01 None of that puts money in my pockets!

  5. We need:


    Trade Deal reforms

    ACA repeal

    America great again.

    Keep up the work Mr. Trump, you have a long way to go.
    Did you underestimate the criminals in the swamp?
    Is it more difficult than you expected?

    Sorry. We don't care. We voted for you, now do the job and stop tweeting like a little girl.


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