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Thursday, July 06, 2017

Trump's 1st Qtr. Salary to Go to Fix Antietam Battlefield

The Interior Department announced that it will be using the $78,333 given to them by President Trump to revitalize an important Civil War landmark, according to the Washington Times.

Earlier this year, Trump promised to donate his salary to various projects and organizations.

He previously presented a check to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke in April, directing that the funds be used by the National Park Service.

Zinke said he would be using the funds to renovate Maryland's Antietam National Battlefield, a few miles outside Harper's Ferry, W.V.

Antietam, known in the South as the Battle of Sharpsburg, took place in September 1862 and was the bloodiest single day in the entire war.



  1. Kudos to President Trump. This is a worthy cause as this site serves as a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by both the North and South. My family and I drove the audio tour and we were rapt with the narrative.

  2. Thank you President Trump.

    Now you need to go down to Orlando, New Orleans, Charlottesville, Baltimore and other cities and states and demand they put the statues back and leave the rest alone or you will cut off their funding.

    The indoctrinated Snow Flakes and blacks in this country have really been brainwashed by the Democrats. And it has gotten worse thanks to Obama. Divide and Conquer.

  3. Great idea.
    That "shiny object" is the exact distraction that he wants you to see while he peddles his influence and deepens his pocket using the Presidency


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