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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Students Love Socialism... But Can't Define What It Is


  1. Here's another question:

    Can you cite examples of one or more nations that Socialism has been a success from top to bottom, where poverty has been eliminated and every person has the same rights services and enjoys the same level of wealth and comfort?

  2. Socialism : When you can sit on your a$$ and get as much as someone that works very hard 60 hours a week. When you can do nothing and have as much as anybody else. When you can live in your parents basement and play video games all day and someone buys your food, clothes and pays for your Iphone. When you get 8 years of college and rack up a large amount of student loans and then the government tells you that they will forgive your loan yet the next person who has worked hard evenings, weekends and all summer to pay for his college gets nothing.

  3. 12:55 Can you name a capitalist country that can say the same. Countries like Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden are consistently ranked the most enjoyable places to live decade after decade. But you're right, great comments from the trailer park.

    1. 129 incorrect. Why don't you move to those countries? Plane ticket oneway 1500.00. Just LEAVE and enjoy. So simple but you liberals just stay and complain. I don't get it!!

    2. 129 I just found a ticket for 980.00 direct flight. You will enjoy socialism soon as you step off the plane. I think Sweden has a GREAT refugee program you could probably stay in a camp until government finds you a job. Oh, the refugee camps are WONDERFUL And the residents will greet you with open arms. Especially the Syrian camps they love ex pats. Have fun.

  4. You are watching the future leaders of America who are absolutely clueless. "Warning, Warning" the future don't look good!

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 18, 2017 at 1:56 PM

    Young people turning into Snowflakes and "learning" how to be depending on Government Assistance. I hope they realize Socialism is where everybody gets paid minimum wage, well, except the politicians. SMDH!

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 18, 2017 at 2:31 PM

    1:29 Ranked by who? Those bogus rankings are Manipulated by Globalists. Women in Sweden are being raped by Muslim "Refugees" on daily basis. All of the countries mentioned have smaller population than Maryland. It's like comparing apples and oranges, in typical Liberal way. SMH

  7. 2:31 hardly a daily basis. What you are trying to say is you read an article about that on this website and you are incorrectly exaggerating. Women are being raped in the city of Salisbury? What say you to that?

    Manipulated by globalists, more generalizations. It's obvious you have no good argument to back up what you said so instead you render my point null due to population size. Perhaps specify your parameters before you ask such questions. The irony here is that I am Republican, but I see the defense mechanism of calling anyone that disagrees with you, or presents evidence that proves you wrong, a liberal or snowflake.

    Ridiculous that so many comments refer to millennials living in their parents basements when the majority of people here on the shore that are on welfare are baby boomers living in crap houses out in the boonies crapping in buckets.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 18, 2017 at 9:26 PM

      Well, let's see, the Unemployment in Denmark, Sweden & Norway is around 6% to 7%, with exception of Norway at 4.9%, while in the U.S is 4.7%. The Price of Gasoline in these countries ranges between $7.25 to $8.00 a Gallon, WOW ! Having been few times in Europe myself, I have seen many families sharing 1 small vehicle, and living in small places, mostly in apartments or small houses with no yard. So, if that's what you like, go ahead and move. For someone claiming to be "Republican" and liking the idea of Socialism, it's quite puzzling to me.

  8. Socialism - Shared sacrifice for the betterment of all. Heard that term used last night when describing the socialist revolution in Cuba, which is still used today. We all know too well how this is working in Cuba!

  9. They are so sure in their opinion yet are ignorant to what it is, This is what you get from liberal professors.

  10. Typical millennial snowflakes they have an opinion but have no clue what you are talking about. College graduates no doubt, ignorant as hell. Our future is doomed.


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