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Sunday, July 16, 2017

SPD Shots Fired Body Cam Video/911 call

The first 2 minutes of the video is the 911 call. The body cam video starts after the 2 minute mark.


  1. It is obvious to me that cops don't fear for their lives when the suspect looks like them.

  2. That guy is a Sargent with the Salisbury Police Department and he clearly had a wide open target, shoots and misses. Looks like he better go back to school to learn how to hit his target. How damn embarrassing is that. No wonder many of us is scared of the Salisbury Police Department and don't feel safe around them.

    1. Not only that...he is on their tactical team.

    2. Wrong.... that's a K9 uniform

    3. My statement wasn't based on the uniform whack job

  3. It's obvious you have never shot a weapon in the dark of night 5:58. Do you know where he was aiming? Most officers these days aim at a lower portion of the body , legs feet . However I do appreciate your ignorant and stupid comment , it tells me of the many people against law enforcement. Walk a mile in a cops shoes idiot.

  4. Why is the time wrong on the body cam? It's not dark at 6:30 am or pm this time of year. They send one officer?

  5. 6:10 The time on mine says 02:18 on 2017 -07-12. Still not the correct time or date according to the press release, it stated it was on the 11th at 10:15pm.

  6. I live 3 houses away. I don't care what the time says or the date in body can. I say great job. Thank you for your service.

  7. how many times does he have to tell him to drop gun before he does something. Don't know how these guys live. No wonder they shoot people!

  8. Great job SPD. No injuries suspect arrested. No police officer wants to be in that position but handled professionally

  9. This video must be Salisbury NC or some other bury because there's no crime in Salisbury MD. Jake says so. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    1. That's right. Day says there's no crime so what gives with this video? Is it a fake?

    2. Now it appears that Day & et al., are attempting to use it as opportunity to boost their image. The cop shooting Saturday was a suicide by cop. This one was a boy turned man doing what he has been doing since he was a child, begging for attention. If he truly wanted to be killed he wouldn't asked the cop to just shoot him. The man Saturday was heard saying he wasnt going back to jail and it was clear he wanted the cop to help him out w/ that. No fault of the cops. I hope this one dont get the mental health pass as he s been doing. Only a matter of time before some innocent is hurt and/or killed. Now had the cop shot him people would be screaming mental when despite his begging to be shot he should been done from the door shooting in a park in a residential neighborhood.

    3. Now people are on the news blogs saying he is sooo sweet. Didnt he sue the police after resisting arrest bka, behaving like he has since being in the school system?

  10. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Saw This On The BlogJuly 14, 2017 at 7:33 AM

    712 Spot on. Seems the guy was either mute or just too dumb to think!

  11. I watched an interview not that long ago with Sheriff Lewis where he said when they shoot, they shoot to kill, that's a fact.

    It has always made me wonder WHY law enforcement spends all that money to buy tasers. I would think this would be the perfect situation for the use of such. I'm NOT disrespecting this particular shoot because I'm glad it wasn't a fatal shot.

    We've all seen video of Officers shooting and killing people with questionable reasons. Especially when they have a knife and so forth. I just can't see shooting to kill in these situations. Clearly the person being told to drop the weapon is in a bad mental state of mind.

    Anyhow, that's just my thoughts on the matter. Great job SPD.

    1. I believe the good sheriff said that to you. However, for 20-30 years law enforcement has been trained/taught to shoot to STOP THE THREAT. I hope and pray that I never have to kill someone and that if I must shoot them that they live. However, there are times when the most effective way to stop the DEADLY THREAT is to kill the person. Remember, when LE is shooting (not counting questionable situations), it's because there is a life threat to someone (officer, public, etc). The fastest and most effective way to stop the threat is by shooting at body parts which are critical to life.

      Try shooting at someone's leg, under stress (being shot at) while they're moving, and your adrenaline has dumped. At 30 yards. I can all but guarantee that fewer than 2% of the population could accomplish this, even if we gave them all the training and tools to do the job.

  12. Salisbury Police officers 👮🏼 👮🏼 gets no support from the Mayor's office or their own chief. They do a great job especially given these handicaps. They have a thankless job in every way.

  13. IT'S terrible what our police are
    " up against!:

    Must say this officer gave him more
    then a fair enough chance to drop
    the gun. This guy was luck he didn't
    get killed!!!

  14. A taser would be stupid in this arrest , a little like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Many officers will not shoot kill , a terrible thing to live with.
    They are people just like you and I. Mr. Lewis was out of line for a statement like that. When shots are fired at the officer , then shoot to kill .

  15. Sorry, but IMO it was poorly handled by the cop. And no I am not a cop hater like all of you accuse of anyone disagreeing with the way a situation was handled.

    He gets out of the car, shouts, fires and misses. Poor way to handle the situation. He doesn't even know what is really going on and he is already shooting off his gun.

    Just another day, where we get more and more desensitized to violence.

    1. So he gets out of the car. Gives orders that are not followed .. see's the gun. And the guy points gun at the officer. Officer fires a round while moving to get cover. What more do u want him to see before he fires his weapon. Ever had a gun pointed at you? I think it was handled correctly and luckily he realized the guy wanted to be shot which is considered suicide by cop.

    2. But he did have enough awareness to show up to the safety is a news presser and photo opportunity in full SWAT tactical turnout gear. P l e a s e

    3. Well you are wrong @11:21.. that is the salisbury police K-9 unit uniform. Gotta love ppl that talk without knowing what they are talking about.

  16. 7:37 AM - Nobody gets support from their boss and everyone is in a thankless job. Why should they be any different.

  17. I would not get close enough to use a taser when the subject is displaying a weapon. No leg shots, if you shot you shoot to eliminate the threat, center mass. Although I'm not certain the subjects photo needs to be public if it is in fact a mental situation. The police did what was needed to go home alive and without killing another. Now that is a good day and job.

  18. Everyone's a sharpshooter on the internet, give me a break. Aim for the center of mass and not a small target like a leg or an arm.

  19. Looks to me like solid police work. No indiscriminate shots. Warned the suspect multiple times to drop their gun, a luxury they would not have received on my private property.

    Joe a good point about mentally unstable. However, it can quickly become I go home or you go home. No one is able to "robocop" a situation and scroll through a suspects vitals, mental health and SAT scores on the fly. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. DO not walk through my neighborhood with a gun.

  20. so many negative comments. just disgraceful. All of you. How would YOU have reacted. Probably a situation this cop has never been in. I think considering the circumstances, he did a great job and no one died. Be grateful for the police men and women we have and the protection they afford us. With some of these comments, it makes me sad there are people like you who do nothing but criticize. You probably would have crapped your pants if this happened to you.

  21. Great job by police officer! Rational and cool response under pressure.
    It shows this officer was well trained and averted at major incident. This type of reaction saves lives.

  22. 8:48 AM How would I have reacted you ask? By not putting myself in danger BEFORE I even know what is going on. They were already advised that he potentially had a weapon, take it from there before jumping out of your vehicle and popping off rounds

    8:48 just because someones opinion doesn't match yours doesn't necessarily mean it is negative. Life isn't all rainbows and butterflies.

    1. Haha...he just popped off rounds? Really....he arrived on scene to assess the situation, observed a man with a gun, ordered him to drop the gun which he did not do. Fired one shit which missed, he then got behind cover and continued to order the man to drop the weapon. He had more than enough reason to continue to fire at the man but decided not to for his own reason...

    2. 9:23. So what would you have done differently ? U get a man with a gun call in the park? I'd like to hear what u would of done from safely behind your keyboard. Knowing all the facts. The officer only had a description of a armed suspect in the park. He handled it very professionally in my opinion.

  23. 8:48 says Probably a situation this cop has never been in. Probably a situation this cop has never been in.

    That's no excuse.

  24. I think all of you need to read my earlier comment again. I am not suggesting the Officer was in the wrong. I even brought up saying when a knife is involved and so forth.

    No one will ever convince me that ANY Officer can shoot at an arm or leg and stop a suspect. I know, (and have known) hundreds of Police Officers and they are ALL in fact trained just as Sheriff Lewis stated.

    IF someone had pulled a gun on me and I was armed, I too would aim for the chest area. Go to a fire arms range and watch just how difficult it is for Officers in a RELAXED environment to hit center mass. Many Officers, (with all due respect) have to go back a second time just to qualify, that's a FACT.

    So please don't ever tell me they were aiming for an arm or a leg. I'll never buy it. As we used to say on the professional billiard tour, "You Can't Beat Luck."

  25. Here's what far too many of you are missing. CRIME IS DOWN IN SALISBURY!

    People are frustrated and the bold faced lies Chief Barbara Duncan and Boy Mayor Day are brainwashing people with.

    I found it especially interesting how none of this was even mentioned on this mornings news broadcasts.

    Yeah, SBYNews is the Anti Christ for exposing the TRUTH and especially that we allow people to speak their minds and not forcing them to use a registered Facebook name.

    Hey Duncan and Day, guess what, the comments you see here are actually how the public feels. You can hire 50 people to come on here and defend the City with rainbow comments but isn't it funny Folks how ALL of their very own people hide behind anonymous?

  26. It wasn't a crime. The kid was unarmed and in the park.

    1. 9:39 "The "kid" was the one that called 911 and reported a man with a gun. Try reading. You are an idiot.

    2. That kid is grown and been a problem for years, his family and he manipulating the system and using mental illness to do it. Now he is grown and doing it and apparently still getting away with it. Just his luck anyone else would be dead

  27. Reading a situation involves more than responding to seeing a gun. I think it became apparent to the officer that this person, by his actions and demeanor, was looking for suicide by cop.

    Good job, officer. Good job.

    Thanks for posting this, Joe, and thanks to whoever released it at SPD.

  28. 9:39 AM then why did he shoot at him, if he was so good as assessing the situation?

    1. Why?? Bc the guy pointed a gun at him. Looks like he fired a round at the time n got to cover behind the big tree. That's when he heard the guy saying kill me. And realized it was a suicide by cop attempt. The officer even told responding officers it's a suicide by cop attempt . This officer did a great job n quickly realized the suicide by cop attempt. Could of ended a lot worse

  29. 8:38 says No indiscriminate shots.

    Are you people blind and stupid? The cop got out of the car and shot at him before he even knew what was going on. I guess in your book that's not indiscriminate.

    1. 9:50 You may want to watch that video again. And I'm just curious what you would have done differently Einstein.

    2. What more did he have to know was going on. He observed the man point a gun at him....was he supposed to wait for the man to pull the trigger first? Come on...if it's so simple go apply

  30. The Sheriff's department only has 2 deputy's working on any given night.

  31. Day and Duncan have jobs to sell the City of Salisbury, but the truth is, Salisbury is becoming a little Baltimore! Too many people are carrying weapons drugs are being sold all over the streets. But people live here, and fear turning someone in.Too liberal judges set them free to sell some more! Look at the arrest record of some of these guys that get shot, or killed locally. We would rather nail the users than the seller! Make drug sellers serve 10 years to start with. Stiffer sentences may start the ball rolling

  32. 8:15 and 9:50 he did not shoot not knowing what was going on. He shot because the suspect pointed the gun at him. Then he sought cover behind a tree while telling the suspect to drop the gun several times. So don't be so stupid with your comments. Also how many bulls eyes do you think you could shoot in the dark. Many extenuating circumstances. I think the officer did an exceptional job and should be commended. He told the suspect to drop the gun several times. He would not have been wrong to shoot and kill the suspect. Because he was put in the situation where his life was in danger of being shot by a mental subject.

  33. I just want to know when that park became safe for anyone to go in at night. I grew up not far from this park, it was deemed haunted a long time ago and most people would not go there at night and if they did it was usually troublemakers so the cops know full well what to expect when they are called to this park. That area keeps going downhill more and more as the houses become rentals. As for crime being down in Salisbury it has never been down and is only getting worse but the fools won't and have never admitted it.

  34. where did the officers bullet end up in some child's crib ?

  35. Sad part this guy will never get the treatment he needs for his mental state!!

    1. He doesnt want help. Just wants to be allowed to do as he pleases many of people in various agencies and the community has tried to help him. Whats that I hear? Sounds like reality is starting to kick in.


  36. Challenging scenario: Subject reported armed. Is armed when cop arrives solo. Points weapon at cop. Cop fires a round; doesn't hit target, or others. In final analysis perp's weapon is less lethal than first appearance. Lucky sequence of events for all concerned.

    Objective critique about decision to fire and lack of accuracy is warranted, with realization that a few days back another perp was shooting at another cop.

    I support our LEOs but this situation raised questions.

  37. I think he did a great job. You can tell at the end of the video he was shaken a bit by the ordeal. NO ONE wants to have to shoot someone, however when someone raises a gun at you they are trained to fire. I hope the man gets the help that he needs.

  38. Bottom line the cops went home to their families and the man is getting the help he needs. I'd say it was successful for all.

  39. Anonymous said...
    It's obvious you have never shot a weapon in the dark of night 5:58. Do you know where he was aiming? Most officers these days aim at a lower portion of the body , legs feet . However I do appreciate your ignorant and stupid comment , it tells me of the many people against law enforcement. Walk a mile in a cops shoes idiot.
    July 14, 2017 at 6:09 AM

    It's obvious you don't know WTH you are talking about. First you don't know me and second I know Engle.

    1) Military Sharpshooter
    2) MSP
    3) Born and raised around guns all my life.
    4) Expert shot w/ pistol and rifle.
    5) The area was lighted
    6) Bright white t-shirt, perfect target
    7) Shot fired and the weak officer MISSED!
    8) Do you know where he was aiming? No and it's apparent officer Engle didn't either.
    9) "Most officers these days aim at a lower portion of the body , legs feet" LIAR, LIAR and LIAR! Trained officers shoot to kill or be killed.
    10) "I do appreciate your ignorant and stupid comment" The only ignorant and stupid comment was YOUR comment. Some embarrassing comments just like the the embarrassment that officer Engle brought to the Salisbury Police Department.
    11) "it tells me of the many people against law enforcement." How can I be against law enforcement? Ignorant comment again.
    12) "Walk a mile in a cops shoes idiot." Yep, I do, every single day. What about you?? You are the only idiot!

    1. I see it didn't take long for this mess to start.

  40. Anonymous said...
    I live 3 houses away. I don't care what the time says or the date in body can. I say great job. Thank you for your service.

    July 14, 2017 at 6:45 AM

    Great job for what? Stray cops bullet could have hit your house and killed someone.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Great job SPD. No injuries suspect arrested. No police officer wants to be in that position but handled professionally

    July 14, 2017 at 7:29 AM

    All this video proves is that Barny is a Coward and can't shoot. Go back to giving Barny one bullet for his shirt pocket.

  42. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury Police officers 👮🏼 👮🏼 gets no support from the Mayor's office or their own chief. They do a great job especially given these handicaps. They have a thankless job in every way.

    July 14, 2017 at 7:37 AM

    I didn't see a great job. What video were you looking at?

  43. Anonymous said...
    A taser would be stupid in this arrest , a little like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Many officers will not shoot kill , a terrible thing to live with.
    They are people just like you and I. Mr. Lewis was out of line for a statement like that. When shots are fired at the officer , then shoot to kill .

    July 14, 2017 at 8:13 AM

    No you are out of your mind. Lewis is still alive because he knows how to eliminate a threat.

    If officer Engle keeps on this path he will be the first SPD fatality in a long time.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Sorry, but IMO it was poorly handled by the cop. And no I am not a cop hater like all of you accuse of anyone disagreeing with the way a situation was handled.

    He gets out of the car, shouts, fires and misses. Poor way to handle the situation. He doesn't even know what is really going on and he is already shooting off his gun.

    Just another day, where we get more and more desensitized to violence.

    July 14, 2017 at 8:15 AM

    Agreed and Homo Fake Day and Bob Duncan use this botched opportunity to say this clown used great restraint. NOT Hardly! He missed and almost lost. All the perpetrator had to do was shoot back and Engle would have "died a hero."

  45. Anonymous said...
    I would not get close enough to use a taser when the subject is displaying a weapon. No leg shots, if you shot you shoot to eliminate the threat, center mass. Although I'm not certain the subjects photo needs to be public if it is in fact a mental situation. The police did what was needed to go home alive and without killing another. Now that is a good day and job.

    July 14, 2017 at 8:30 AM

    Agreed. Real police officers are laughing at this and memes are already circulating the internet.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Looks to me like solid police work. No indiscriminate shots. Warned the suspect multiple times to drop their gun, a luxury they would not have received on my private property.

    Joe a good point about mentally unstable. However, it can quickly become I go home or you go home. No one is able to "robocop" a situation and scroll through a suspects vitals, mental health and SAT scores on the fly. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. DO not walk through my neighborhood with a gun.

    July 14, 2017 at 8:38 AM

    WTF! No indiscriminate shots? What video were you looking at? The one I watched clearly showed a missed shot = indiscriminate shot.

  47. I must say that I do think the officer did everything he could. Can you imagine responding to that call waiting for back up? In the officers mind he was probably thinking is THIS the night I don't go home to my family? How many of us have had that thought go across our minds while at work? no? anyone? Buller...Buller?

  48. This trash from a filthy culture should ave been shot and killed. Hire cops with balls!!!!

  49. isn't that the guy that missing all those days?


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