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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Shooting In Salisbury At Punkin Court - Next To Denny's In Salisbury

A Viewer Stated: I was told it may have been a police involved shooting. But Jake Day said crime is down and Salisbury is thriving because of him and his leadership.


  1. Just curious to see if WBOC will react to this .

  2. One black guy shoots another black guy. An off duty cop steps in and shoots the shooter. Done.

    1. And just how do YOU know this? Were you the off duty LEO or a responding LEO?

    2. LoL...."and in the City of Salisbury all crimes no matter how big or small is reported and not covered up or sugar coated like some of you believe" Jake Day....but facebook is already full of comments from freinds of the victims/shooters/dumbasses

    3. Strong work LEO!!!!

  3. It's pretty bad there. They have peeps who sleep with each other in the hotel across the street that aren't married to each other and then go to the restaurant to eat. If you post that you go there on social media, you get followed. Not surprised, and i do not care how WBOC will react to it.

    1. Really? WBOC probably wont repprt

  4. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

    1. Or a badder guy with a gun

    2. 758= typical knpw it all snowflake.

  5. WBOC has a blurb on their site, but no information really at all. You'd think a recognized local news station would be able to get some sort of info from the police or an employee or a bystander................

  6. All wboc said was heavy police presence at Denny's at 5 am.

  7. This town has become just as bad if not worse than Baltimore City. I have never witnessed so much crime as over the past few years - and I have lived here my entire life.

    1. That's not true....everyday some body dies in baltimore....no comparison what so ever

    2. Seems like a person dies here every day too. It's just not teported to make it looj like crime is down. This town is definitely comparable to Baltimore in crimes/deaths/overdoses per capita. Anyone who says it's not is just as blind as the Salisbury government.

  8. They are not letting anyone in or out of Punkin Court, not even the hotel guest staying at the Inn.

  9. It's Punkin court, not pumpkin. And it all boils down to people not raising their kids like they are supposed to. It all begins in the home. Need to start spanking (not abusing) children again and maybe this crap would stop.

    1. You can raise you children correctl and still at the end of the day they'll do what they want to, so that comment makes no sense.

    2. True. Social media, entitlement & lack of good parenting can also ruin kids. Parents sometimes have good intentions, but handicap their kids & that's in all socio-economic backgrounds

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's pretty bad there. They have peeps who sleep with each other in the hotel across the street that aren't married to each other and then go to the restaurant to eat. If you post that you go there on social media, you get followed. Not surprised, and i do not care how WBOC will react to it.

    July 9, 2017 at 7:43 AM

    Are you stuck in the 1950's or something? The rest of your asinine comment makes no sense to me, but I really don't care.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's Punkin court, not pumpkin. And it all boils down to people not raising their kids like they are supposed to. It all begins in the home. Need to start spanking (not abusing) children again and maybe this crap would stop.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:21 AM

    Are you the same guy that's stuck in the 50's? I would bet that today's generation of parents that don't spank their kids were spanked as a kid by parents like yourself but it was ABUSE, not correction then. So not to repeat what their parents did to them, they went to the extreme of not spanking at all.

    Maybe the next generation of parents from today's kids will reverse the current trend and spank their kids like you did back in the day. (abuse)

  12. You can forget about any Daily Times coverage. There is no one left to man the phones anymore.

  13. To 8:35 Poster referencing The Daily Times. Ditto. Most of the DT news is fake anyway.

  14. 8:29 AM - Ahh the stench of your ignorance is starting early this morning. Try reading slower, then maybe you will be able to comprehend what 8:24 AM said. I fully understood their comment. Looks like you are the one with issues.

  15. Let's see if spd crime stats reflect these two homocides.

  16. Thank god i moved 3 yrs agp what a S..Thole great job Pt Mayor.

  17. 7:42 are they both dead?!

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:29 AM - Ahh the stench of your ignorance is starting early this morning. Try reading slower, then maybe you will be able to comprehend what 8:24 AM said. I fully understood their comment. Looks like you are the one with issues.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:43 AM

    awww poor baby. talking to yourself again? it's ok, we understand.

  19. Blogger Unknown said...
    Daily Times!!!!! LOL!!!!

    July 9, 2017 at 8:53 AM


  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    758= typical knpw it all snowflake.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:57 AM

    well since there is no 758 on this thread....

  21. Anonymous said...
    To 8:35 Poster referencing The Daily Times. Ditto. Most of the DT news is fake anyway.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:42 AM

    he is not a poster, he is a commenter. Joe POSTED the story.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:29 AM - Ahh the stench of your ignorance is starting early this morning. Try reading slower, then maybe you will be able to comprehend what 8:24 AM said. I fully understood their comment. Looks like you are the one with issues.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:43 AM

    you have the nerve to call someone ignorant and it was 824 that said he couldn't understand the comment. lmao.

    Hello POT! geesh. when people like you have no argument or point you resort to name calling and insults but you can't even do that right! lol

    go back to bed or something mo mo

  23. There's no crime in Salisbury! What are you people TALKING about? Day says there's no crime so you gotta go off boy wonder's word. He's in the know, you know!

  24. Will let's see if the natives get restless,and start burning and tearing up the town,like they do in the big city,this usually happens when a cop shoots one

  25. Won't be going to Denny's for breakfast today!

  26. But was a chain link fence involved? That is the real threat in Salisbury.

  27. Joe is there any news of what really happened?

  28. Who really cares what Jake Day or anyone "says" about the crime in Salisbury?? We all have eyes. This is a restaurant! Over the last several years it's been turned into a place no one with respect wishes to go after 8pm. Now it's the OK Corral? People are dying at an alarming rate in Salisbury and surrounding areas. It's time to wake up and take our towns back. No exceptions. No hesitations.

  29. 10:11, If there was, don't you think we would have an update. I'm not publishing rumors. We know for a fact two people were shot. As for the exact details, nothing has been put out there yet. It will come in time.

    1. How long does it typically take for a press release?
      This city is to small for all tnis crime.

  30. Nothing like a shooting to start off a bright, sunny Sunday morning here in Salisbury! Ain't life grand?

  31. Can we give that officer a bonus for saving us the cost of an expensive trial?

  32. 1012 lock and load, buddy!

  33. 2 bad guys made a very bad decision to have their gunfight around the wrong Denny's. That Denny's has had armed security after Midnight for years. That IS what happened

  34. Evil prevails when good men do nothing- It looks as though good men (LEO(S) did something- support our Police.

  35. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    10:11, If there was, don't you think we would have an update. I'm not publishing rumors. We know for a fact two people were shot. As for the exact details, nothing has been put out there yet. It will come in time.

    July 9, 2017 at 10:14 AM

    Oh come on Joe. You know most of these people live and thrive on rumors and half-truths. Facts be damned and if they are corrected they insult and name call anyone who dares to know more than they. (which is most of the time)

    But tell me something, how do you cope with all of the asinine comments we don't see? We only see a fraction of the comments that come in to you and those are the approved ones. How do you keep your sanity and not pull your hair out on a daily basis?

  36. 2 people are dead and one was shooting at the cop. End of the story

  37. Folks, speaking from experience. When a shooting occurs things happen in micro seconds, what someone perceives at the time doesn't necessarily means that's what happened. There are witnesses to be interviewed, evidence to be marked and tagged, forensics of all types, and when a death is involved all this goes into overdrive. We all know the Daily Times, WMDT, WBOC are second rate news organizations. It will take time for the facts to be revealed.Just chill out alittle. Question the reporting not whats reported.

    1. Right it is that persons experience and perception.

  38. I guess Da'Bury will be on the Evening News nationwide for sure now !
    Al Sharpton can come and spread his Agitation!

  39. This is why it is so scary living in this area anymore. The politicos are trying to put a tight lid on virtually any reporting of crimes. It's called CENSORING information, and there is a lot of that going on in and around Salisbury.

    1. 1050 all cities and states are affected by crime. The opioid epidemic isnt making it any better.

  40. Is Denny's City or County?

  41. Denny's and the surrounding area must be City...Salis. PD responds quite a bit to Autumn Ct. which is right around the corner

  42. There is nothing scary about living here.
    The problem with living here is the job opportunities are not very attractive and generally pay low wages.
    Now, i have a good job.
    But what I am saying is that others find it difficult to live here and earn enough money to be happy.

    As for the crime, I guess I have not witnessed it so I am unaware of it.
    For that, I blame myself for being uninformed. I take it there is a lot of crime here, and from what I read on this blog there is a terrible situation in the public schools. Since I have no children, I am unaware of that issue as well - other than reading about it here.

    Thanks Joe for keeping us informed.

  43. Almost everyday i thank God for being able to move out of that 'city'. What 'local government' turned Salisbury into is criminal, very, very criminal.

    1. Please tell me how they would of stopped this?

  44. The sad part there are families grieving right about now. Its sad that two people are dead at a way to young of an age. black on black crime does exist regardless of what ones try to get you to believe. Where are groups like BLM in trying to help these young people? They dont they try to stir the pot and cause more loss of life within our communities. Why doesnt the Rev Sharpton speak out and discourage the violence within our black communities? He doesnt he to tries to keep the pot stirred. Race relations is at a all time high and worse then most of us have ever seen it in our lifetimes. Why are the ones that are taking in big money trying to help all of this violence? They do nothing but stir the pot while more young blacks are being killed on a daily basis. Look at Chicago alone. You care about black lives? Use that money that you are collecting and help these communities instead of using it to cause riots etc against President Trump. Its been said about the Bury for several years now that the Bury is little Baltimore, Not just little Baltimore but little Chicago. Our Black leaders must get involved in order to try to prevent more grief from more young blacks being slaughtered on our streets! Stop burying your heads in the sand and get involved with our youth!

    1. 11:36 absolutely two families have to bury their loved ones and the officer has to deal with taking someone's life I'm sure is not easy on anyone at this particular moment

  45. Wjz has more info than locate news. It's not Salisbury it is the mindset of these boys and girls.

  46. Anonymous said...
    It's pretty bad there. They have peeps who sleep with each other in the hotel across the street that aren't married to each other and then go to the restaurant to eat. If you post that you go there on social media, you get followed. Not surprised, and i do not care how WBOC will react to it.

    July 9, 2017 at 7:43 AM

    WOW!! Sleeping together when you are not married. Bad people. Oh my, what is this city coming to.

  47. getting involved with some of these kids. some have nobody at home to teach them right from wrong. parents are to busy doing their own thing with drugs, alcohol etc and the kids have no guidance. education. teaching them morals, ethics, respect and manners and right and wrong. projects to keep them off the streets. Stop letting them think that its ok to express themselves and giving them room to destroy. Its ok to riot, steal and or loot or whatever. There are consequences to actions. This is not just about the Bury its about black on black crime in general. So yes there is plenty that can stop this kind of behavior. It takes leadership and caring and compassion. Their community leaders/parents Getting involved when they are young! Once they are grown then they are gonna do what they want but maybe just maybe if they knew the consequences they might think twice. Isnt it better then doing nothing?

  48. 12:09 yes that's correct it's the mind set of these kids. Nobody there with them to teach them right from wrong and consequences to actions and respect and responsibility.

  49. Once again, SBYnews is the only go to news source. SBYnews broke this story many many hours before any of the other media reacted.

    Thanks SBYnews, I do appreciate all that your organization provides.

  50. Anonymous said...
    And just how do YOU know this? Were you the off duty LEO or a responding LEO?

    July 9, 2017 at 7:50 AM

    What are you talking about??

  51. Anonymous said...
    This town has become just as bad if not worse than Baltimore City. I have never witnessed so much crime as over the past few years - and I have lived here my entire life.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:18 AM

    That's what you get when you vote for Democrats!!

  52. Anonymous said...
    It's Punkin court, not pumpkin. And it all boils down to people not raising their kids like they are supposed to. It all begins in the home. Need to start spanking (not abusing) children again and maybe this crap would stop.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:21 AM

    Agreed! My dad wore my ass out when he felt he had to and I turned out to be a good citizen just as many others in my era have.

  53. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's pretty bad there. They have peeps who sleep with each other in the hotel across the street that aren't married to each other and then go to the restaurant to eat. If you post that you go there on social media, you get followed. Not surprised, and i do not care how WBOC will react to it.

    July 9, 2017 at 7:43 AM

    Are you stuck in the 1950's or something? The rest of your asinine comment makes no sense to me, but I really don't care.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:24 AM

    "The rest of your asinine comment makes no sense to me, but I really don't care."

    Then why did you post it?

  54. Anonymous said...
    Let's see if spd crime stats reflect these two homocides.

    July 9, 2017 at 8:50 AM

    Only one was a homicide, the other was justified. More of your FAKE NEWS!

    By the way, learn to spell.

  55. Anonymous said...
    LoL...."and in the City of Salisbury all crimes no matter how big or small is reported and not covered up or sugar coated like some of you believe" Jake Day....but facebook is already full of comments from freinds of the victims/shooters/dumbasses

    July 9, 2017 at 9:48 AM

    Please post where we can find those FB pages so we can read the comments.

    I want to slobber over some of those "rip jaquan homey" Facebook posts.

  56. Anonymous said...
    There's no crime in Salisbury! What are you people TALKING about? Day says there's no crime so you gotta go off boy wonder's word. He's in the know, you know!

    July 9, 2017 at 10:04 AM

    I remember I posted something on FB about how bad crime in Salisbury was and that asshole Jake Day fed me some bullcrap lecture on FB and I had to show him the true statistics. He then backpedaled a little bit. I eventually had to unfriend that little Queer.

  57. Anonymous said...
    But was a chain link fence involved? That is the real threat in Salisbury.

    July 9, 2017 at 10:10 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHA!! Our Fearless Leaders Jake Day, Jack Heath and Muir Boda, all Democrats, think chain link fences are the problem in Salisbury.

    If you cast a vote or donated to their election then YOU are the problem!

  58. Anonymous said...
    Can we give that officer a bonus for saving us the cost of an expensive trial?

    July 9, 2017 at 10:22 AM


  59. Anonymous said...
    You can raise you children correctl and still at the end of the day they'll do what they want to, so that comment makes no sense.

    July 9, 2017 at 10:37 AM

    Another clueless idiot. You must have raised bad children who turned out to be criminals!

  60. Anonymous said...
    Is Denny's City or County?

    July 9, 2017 at 10:59 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    City 1059.

    July 9, 2017 at 11:03 AM

    And they hire off duty Maryland State Troopers as their security. Shows you what they think of the City of Salisbury, the leadership and their police officers. WTH wants to be a police officer in Salisbury. Most of them are rejects who couldn't get hired by the MSP or the WCSO. I know that for a fact. ROTFLMAO. Yeah Jake Day you da Mare!

  61. Anonymous said...
    There is nothing scary about living here.
    The problem with living here is the job opportunities are not very attractive and generally pay low wages.
    Now, i have a good job.
    But what I am saying is that others find it difficult to live here and earn enough money to be happy.

    As for the crime, I guess I have not witnessed it so I am unaware of it.
    For that, I blame myself for being uninformed. I take it there is a lot of crime here, and from what I read on this blog there is a terrible situation in the public schools. Since I have no children, I am unaware of that issue as well - other than reading about it here.

    Thanks Joe for keeping us informed.

    July 9, 2017 at 11:10 AM

    Another Liberal Dirt Bag heard from. What rock have you been living under.

  62. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, including the SPD, MSP, WCSD and Jake Day, has control of the savages that are killing one another off in Salisbury. The shootings in Salisbury are 99% 18 to 30 year old, male, and black-on-black, all with the same themes: money, drugs and women.

  63. Anonymous said...
    The sad part there are families grieving right about now. Its sad that two people are dead at a way to young of an age. black on black crime does exist regardless of what ones try to get you to believe. Where are groups like BLM in trying to help these young people? They dont they try to stir the pot and cause more loss of life within our communities. Why doesnt the Rev Sharpton speak out and discourage the violence within our black communities? He doesnt he to tries to keep the pot stirred. Race relations is at a all time high and worse then most of us have ever seen it in our lifetimes. Why are the ones that are taking in big money trying to help all of this violence? They do nothing but stir the pot while more young blacks are being killed on a daily basis. Look at Chicago alone. You care about black lives? Use that money that you are collecting and help these communities instead of using it to cause riots etc against President Trump. Its been said about the Bury for several years now that the Bury is little Baltimore, Not just little Baltimore but little Chicago. Our Black leaders must get involved in order to try to prevent more grief from more young blacks being slaughtered on our streets! Stop burying your heads in the sand and get involved with our youth!

    July 9, 2017 at 11:36 AM

    The sad part there are families grieving right about now. Its sad that two people are dead at a way to young of an age.

    Wah, Wah, Wah!! Everyone knows what these people are capable of and they died heroes(in their own minds.)

  64. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, including the SPD, MSP, WCSD and Jake Day, has control of the savages that are killing one another off in Salisbury. The shootings in Salisbury are 99% 18 to 30 year old, male, and black-on-black, all with the same themes: money, drugs and women.

    July 9, 2017 at 1:11 PM

    I noticed that you are defending Jake Day. No one said Jake Day had control of the Savages. It is Jake Day's denial and lying about crime that is getting people killed. It's Jake Day and his Party's liberal policies that is getting people killed.

    It is people like you that are defending people like Jake Day that are getting people killed. Now go stick your head back up Jake Day's a$$!

  65. Here's what I say, GOOD RIDDANCE to both of these chumps. Anybody can pull a gun out and pull a trigger but guess what dumbass the two cops there actually knew what they were doing

  66. Thank you to our Maryland state police for being there when needed and taken care of us all

  67. What's amazing is how fast Sbynews was covering this. It's almost instantaneous. I'm really impressed!

  68. A Viewer Stated: I was told it may have been a police involved shooting. But Jake Day said crime is down and Salisbury is thriving because of him and his leadership.

    BWAHAHAHAHA!! So true and I am getting sick of hearing about how great Jake Day and Salisbury is.

  69. As for 11:10am, who doesn't hear about all this crime, there are lots of people who live in their own little bubble and don't pay attention to what happens outside of it. It doesn't make them a bad person. There is no reason for 1:10pm to jump on him and accuse him of being "liberal". Not everything has to be labeled by political party.

  70. Don't tell me you did your best raising this kid when he is committing crimes the way he did. How about don't have a child you are not prepared to raise correctly.

  71. In an effort to show reduced crime in Salisbury, Salisbury Police will show one guy dying as a result of "accidentally impaling himself on a bullet" and coding it as an "industrial accident" for crime reporting statistics. The second guy will be coded as "suicide". Therefore, neither will show as a crime and, most importantly, neither will show as a "violent crime" for the city of Salisbury. There will be a community vigil where Barbara Duncan will provide pizzas and the Salisbury Fire Department will show up and hold hands for the obligatory "photo opportunity". Just watch!!!

  72. Anonymous said...
    getting involved with some of these kids. some have nobody at home to teach them right from wrong. parents are to busy doing their own thing with drugs, alcohol etc and the kids have no guidance. education. teaching them morals, ethics, respect and manners and right and wrong. projects to keep them off the streets. Stop letting them think that its ok to express themselves and giving them room to destroy. Its ok to riot, steal and or loot or whatever. There are consequences to actions. This is not just about the Bury its about black on black crime in general. So yes there is plenty that can stop this kind of behavior. It takes leadership and caring and compassion. Their community leaders/parents Getting involved when they are young! Once they are grown then they are gonna do what they want but maybe just maybe if they knew the consequences they might think twice. Isnt it better then doing nothing?

    July 9, 2017 at 12:26 PM

    These are the same ticking time bombs that were walking our Public Schools. Good thing they waited a couple of years before releasing their aggressions on our kids.

  73. Anonymous said...
    As for 11:10am, who doesn't hear about all this crime, there are lots of people who live in their own little bubble and don't pay attention to what happens outside of it. It doesn't make them a bad person. There is no reason for 1:10pm to jump on him and accuse him of being "liberal". Not everything has to be labeled by political party.

    July 9, 2017 at 5:09 PM

    Aw how cute. One Snow Flake defending another Snow Flake. Maybe you to should hook up and share your safe spaces.

  74. Anonymous said...
    In an effort to show reduced crime in Salisbury, Salisbury Police will show one guy dying as a result of "accidentally impaling himself on a bullet" and coding it as an "industrial accident" for crime reporting statistics. The second guy will be coded as "suicide". Therefore, neither will show as a crime and, most importantly, neither will show as a "violent crime" for the city of Salisbury. There will be a community vigil where Barbara Duncan will provide pizzas and the Salisbury Fire Department will show up and hold hands for the obligatory "photo opportunity". Just watch!!!

    July 9, 2017 at 11:28 PM

    Barbara Duncan will provide pizzas.

    The Salisbury Fire Department will show up and hold hands for the obligatory "photo opportunity".

    Bwahahahaha! Perfect for community service points and sucking up to the Mare.

    1. You forgot to mention how Bryan Records will be there weaving his story and spinning his tales about the cracked fire bell to anyone he thinks will listen.

  75. Anonymous said...
    Don't tell me you did your best raising this kid when he is committing crimes the way he did. How about don't have a child you are not prepared to raise correctly.

    July 9, 2017 at 5:11 PM


  76. Anonymous said...

    Thank you

    July 9, 2017 at 5:38 PM

    Oh you are so welcome, Cupcake!


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