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Monday, July 03, 2017

Question Of The Day

If Congress fails to get important things -- health care reform, tax reform, cutting bureaucratic over-regulation, filling court vacancies -- done in July, should the August recess be cancelled so that they spend more time doing their job?


  1. Absolutely. Congress has forgotten who pays their salaries. They think it is a country club for the privileged.

  2. Oh come on Joe, the answer is no. We voted these honorable folks into office so they could take weeks/months of off not to express the voices of the voters!

    Wish we really could hold them accountable aside from the voting booth! Disgusts me the LACK of TIME spent on real important items to keep this country running "medium".

    9/11/01 sure really muffed up more than we bargained and we're STILL feeling it!!

  3. YES but they can avoid that if they would spend more than 10 mins. a day working.

  4. Let me guess, cancelling the recess would have to be approved by Congress. Fat chance.

  5. Absolutely, I always thought you don't do anything else until the work is done, but with Congress, fat chance of that happening.

  6. They should have no time off at all. They live off our taxes so we own them. The fed should be like Maryland. They only work for three months with pay, then the rest of the year no Fed pay and working in the private sector.

    1. Really? Own them? Do you own every single public official in city-county-state-Fed governments? Now I've heard it all.

  7. House only has 60 or so working days left this calendar year.

  8. They will only fail to do what is right (ACA repeal, etc) because they are SUPPOSED TO FAIL.

    They are totally bought and paid for non-representatives of the people. They work for the bankers who own and run the world.


    thank you

  9. Absolutely. They don't deserve a vacation. They need to do their job.

  10. 9:55 You don't own them. They own you. Once they collect tax $, it is their money.

  11. We need a really big tea party....freeze all taxes immediately...


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