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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

OCPD Reports Safe College Beach Weekend, Thanks Community for Support

OCEAN CITY, MD – (July 26, 2017): The Ocean City Police Department is reporting a nearly uneventful College Beach Weekend event and is thanking residents, visitors, and business owners for their support and cooperation in a true community effort to keep Ocean City safe this past weekend.

As citizens may have noticed, there was a heightened police presence this past weekend, particularly on the boardwalk. OCPD officers were assisted by the Maryland State Police (MSP) and Worcester County Sheriff’s Office as a precautionary measure to ensure that police were prepared for any isolated incidents that may have occurred. From Thursday, July 20, through Sunday, July 23, officers responded to a total of over 3,000 calls for service, 81 percent of which were initiated by officers. This reveals that citizens made very few calls to police throughout the weekend.

The success of the weekend can be attributed in large part to the business community and property owners. Business owners were quick to address large crowds or unruly behavior on their property helping police stay ahead of potential issues. Condominium owners that had large parties form in their units also acted fast to evict problem tenants. “We would not have seen such success this weekend without the help of the business community and property owners,” commented Chief Ross Buzzuro. “Many were able to address potential issues without police assistance allowing our officers to concentrate on the boardwalk and other public spaces in town.”

Many hotel and restaurant owners also assisted in the effort by providing lodging and meals to visiting MSP troopers. Their hospitality allows MSP to send more assistance without the added cost of hotels rooms and meals. The OCPD greatly appreciates the efforts of the Ocean City Hotel Motel Restaurant Association for coordinating this effort.

“The visitors that came to Ocean City for College Beach Weekend were very respectful to the town and of our laws and ordinances,” continued Chief Buzzuro.

The promoters of the event, however, misled several businesses in an attempt to hold private parties, all of which canceled the agreement when the business owners discovered events being promoted at their property. Ticket holders for College Beach Weekend were also misled by the College Beach Weekend promoters, as many of the planned events did not have confirmed locations or never materialized at all.


  1. Glad there was no trouble but I think the rain and storms played a large roll in keeping trouble off the boardwalk.

    1. Agree. Boardwalk was deserted by 10PM. I bet the hotels had their hands full though.

  2. FIRST of all, promoters of this group have used this scam on hotels many times, calling it a "reunion", a "birthday party"; a "fund raiser" (usually with a well known sports figure attending).
    Years ago two clubs fell for it, and it was, of course, a disaster. Police involvement in both cases.
    Even the OC Convention Center fell for it one year. Anyone remember the stabbing there?
    I think the hotels are pretty much on to it now. They better be for next year.
    SECONDLY: The police presence was beyond excellent - and needed to be on Thursday and Friday.
    Let's be honest - On Saturday, I think the prayers of the Mayor, the Council, the OCPD, and especially the Chamber of Commerce were answered. ("Please God, make it rain like crazy with lightening and thunder from 8PM to 3AM on Saturday night. Amen!")
    Let's give God due credit!

  3. Just out of curiosity, anyone know where these parties were supposed to take place.
    I wonder if anyone got their money back? The website had two of the four events listed as "sold out". Somebody's made a hell of a lot of money on this thing...


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