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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Obamacare Repeal: The GOP's Dream is Dead

After seven years of campaign promises, billions of dollars raised, and dozens of show votes, the Republican dream of repealing and replacing Obamacare appears to be dead. Ultimately it was Arizona Sen. John McCain who cast the decisive vote early Friday morning, joining Alaska's Lisa Murkowski and Maine's Susan Collins in voting against the "skinny repeal" measure which would have kept the GOP's hopes alive. The defeat left the GOP and the President with almost nothing to show legislatively from the first six months of Republican control. Now the party is moving on to tax reform, where despite months of work, there is still no clear outline for the GOP plan.

New White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci's explosive interview with The New Yorker is still reverberating through the West Wing. In a normal White House, Scaramucci would have tendered his resignation already for launching an assault on two top aides—and at minimum he would have apologized for his attack on his colleagues. Instead, he's going to continue his efforts to oust chief of staff Reince Priebus from the administration. But Priebus, like Attorney General Jeff Sessions, isn't taking the hint. Neither is resigning anytime soon, despite pressure from the President, in part because they don't want to give their critics the satisfaction of their departure.

High drama in the Senate. The White House's attacks on gay rights. And a Russia sanctions bill heads to Trump's desk.



  1. McCain, proving once again, that he is a Traitor!

  2. It's dead for now but Obama care premiums are set to double in 2018 and who do you think voters will blame ? Democrats !

  3. If these clowns had worked on the bill for only a year - they would have had something that every Republican could tolerate - and we would be done with the turd's legacy! Meanwhile, they all had to cover their special interest groups and the American voter is left holding the bag!

  4. Let it fail. (map)

  5. Trump can end Congress's special exclusive health care with the stroke of a pen forcing them onto Obama care.

  6. Scarface is a clown from the big Apple, just like the Donald.

  7. 11:55,

    No way -- they will blame Republicans and Trump -- they now own Obamacare, baby.

  8. No one in Congress wanted to eliminate the ACA.
    Their campaign donors include Insurance Companies and the Health Care Industry who profit from the ACA.
    The insurance companies' lobbyists are the ones who wrote the terrible law.

    Washington does what the biggest corporations want it to do.
    It works for the corporations, not the people.

    The merger of government power and corporate interests is called Facism.


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