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Wednesday, July 05, 2017

NRA Ad, Citing Baltimore Violence, Sparks Controversy

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A recent ad to attract new members to the NRA has created a backlash.

Some say the ad promotes violence, while others say it’s the truth and they are securing their freedoms.

The debate sparked from this NRA message, many call a recruitment video, posted on NRA TV.

“The only way we stop this, the only way we save or country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth. I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m America’s safest place.”



  1. Liberals don't like their failures highlighted.

  2. Great add. She is on YouTube and I think a radio station. Not violent.

  3. To link their message with the latest fake news is hilarious! What on earth do these people think? The NRA wants the truth be shown, then the MSM shows a video from a 15 year old spoofing anti Trump stuff, and calling in some sort of "Link"????????

    Where are their brains?

    We're supposed to "tune in at 11"? Gimme a break!

  4. Tune out BEFORE 11.

  5. Hey Baltimore. The truth hurts doesn't it.

  6. Funny they didn't mention DeRay's day job - HEAD OF HUMAN CAPITAL for Balto City Skools.

  7. Truth, what a concept...suck it up Baltimore as you did this to yourselves...

  8. This also shows MD Legislature has an obligation to make MD a "right to carry" State. At least lower the fees and restrictions on applying for a CCW. NRA spreads a message of "self protection" and personal / public safety.

  9. We need to move the Ravens and Orioles for fan safety.


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