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Wednesday, July 05, 2017

North Korea ICBM Reality

Wake up, kids. This is reality we are facing and there's nothing fun about it!


  1. We're damn lucky Trump is president and not Clinton. She'd probably tell them the coordinance to do the most damage to the US because she'd love nothing more than to literally destroy the country altogether.

  2. Lets hope they don't figure out great circle distances.

  3. 2:40 coordinates.

  4. seriously if it hits the west coast now are we really loosing alot? Bye Bye Liberals, and alot of illegals then BYE BYE North Korea! Sounds like a win win situation!

  5. This topic is an intelligence operation against the American public.

    Nobody (N. Korea included) will ever attack the US Empire.
    It would simply be suicide.
    The Americans don't need excuses to kill people, they do plenty of that on their own accord.
    Why would anyone invite an attack from the US Military?

    It would be utter insanity.

    Most countries simply want and need some form of deterrent to keep the US off their backs, and out of their natural resources. The people who control the US Government are vultures, and they will kill anyone who stands in their way of rape and pillage.

  6. The N Korean leader has lost it , I had a secret clearance and my reconn platoon use to help the S Koreans infiltrate to the north , we learned that they are hell bent to go to war and gain control of the south by any means.
    They remind me of Hillary Clinton they can't accept that they lost the war.
    They have been fighting and killing our soldiers for many years , we lost well over 200 with over 600 hundred wounded 1966-1968. They still think we are at war , and we probably are , history will tell you they never surrendered just signed a cease fire. They never up-held the cease fire agreement.

  7. I love you, 3:30 pm! Hawaii backed the birth certificate, the west coast states are way beyond left, and you are dead on! Got a brother in Oregon, though, I think he likes the weather there. Bob, get out now!!!

  8. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 5, 2017 at 5:39 PM

    3:39 Don't underestimate N.Korea leader's insanity. Nobody ever thought Japan would attack USA and then Pearl Harbor happened. And there were people warning the government about it and they were ignored, so I would hope we had learned the lesson by now. Yes, it would be total insanity for any country to attack us nowadays, but the fat moronic kid in charge of North Korea doesn't seem to have fully functioning braincells. And he already proclaimed "the missile launch was a gift to the American Bastards, and there will be more coming." The guy is stupid idiot, so we shouldn't take it lightly.

  9. The problem is that Seoul South Korea has millions of people within striking distance of North Korea. As soon as we do anything, the barrage will start and thousands if not tens of thousands will die in Seoul. We will then get blamed for the carnage. That is why this douche is still alive.

  10. 709 - over 100K US citizens and then roughly 28K US military members.

    We never EVER want a nuclear warhead to launch and strike a target. One never has and we hope never will!

  11. 3:30 PM - Seriously?! Without CA, the US economy would fall into a nonrecoverable depression. You may not like their politics but they ARE part of this country.

  12. I am a US Navy veteran and I am finding it very difficult to read comments advocating the destruction of a large part of our nation along with approximately 40 million people.

    I served to protect the freedom of ALL Americans, not just those that I agree with.


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