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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Mueller Probes Trump Business Activities

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has expanded his investigation to include business transactions involving President Trump’s companies and those of his associates, Bloomberg News is reporting.

The news comes a day after Trump appeared to caution Mueller against expanding his investigation in that direction.

“I think that’s a violation. Look, this is about Russia,” Trump said in an interviewwith The New York Times when asked whether Mueller will have crossed a red line by broadening the investigation to include Trump’s companies.

Mueller was appointed special counsel in May to look into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, an allegation that Trump strongly denied.



  1. I don't think that is any of his business!

  2. This is the whole reason behind the corrupt investigation is to illegally get a look at Trumps taxes and search for anything they can exploit politically.

  3. Trump should have never permitted a Special Counsel to be appointed. His own Justice Department is working against him.

  4. This is going to get way ugly. This whole charade is why Trump is so upset with Sessions recusing himself. Trump is on his way to making America great again and the left and Rinos can't stand it.

  5. Face it, they are not going to stop until they have their way. People around Trump seem to be helping the opposition. What his personal business was before the Presidential run is exactly that. HIS PERSONAL BUSINESS!!!


  7. Mueller has crossed over the line...he and his DEM cohorts are now looking for ANYThing to get on Trump and his family and team. Stop this NONsense NOW.


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