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Wednesday, July 05, 2017

More Very Fake News from CableFraudNetwork

They never learn. CNN is at it again, pushing more very fake news designed to hurt President Donald Trump with misinformation fed to viewers through its channel.

This time, on the morning of the Fourth of July, CNN political analyst Julian Zelizer, also a historian at Princeton University, inaccurately claimed that President Trump never made an Article 5 commitment to America’s NATO allies. The startling and deeply inaccurate accusation came during a discussion about President Trump’s upcoming meetings at the G20 summit, his forthcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and tensions rising in North Korea.

When asked in a follow-up by CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield—who did not correct Zelizer’s inaccuracy—if that’s something he thinks might be “potentially happening” on Trump’s upcoming trip, Zelizer again peddled the fake news.

More here


  1. Watching CNN this morning was like watching a debate with a six year old and a parent. I tried can't do it.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Watching CNN this morning was like watching a debate with a six year old and a parent. I tried can't do it.

    July 5, 2017 at 9:37 AM

    CNN and other fake news sites, which there are many, should only be viewed with the knowledge that they are fake news and only for research into what is the latest fake news going thru the cycle.


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