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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Montgomery County’s Lead Prosecutor Alarmed by Growing Gang Violence

Montgomery County’s elected leaders, law enforcement and prosecutors gathered Monday to share concerns about a recent increase in gang violence.

Officials have noticed rising levels of gang-related homicides and robberies in the county since 2015, and State’s Attorney John McCarthy said these numbers likely don’t paint a complete picture.

“I will tell you I’ve had some personal alarm watching what’s transpiring over the last year or so,” he told a County Council committee that met in Rockville. “I really don’t know that we have a real idea of the full extent to which there is gang crime in the county.”



  1. Dear Mr. Prosecutor. Go cry to some one else. I could care less. Isn't Montgomery County a "sanctuary" municipality? Blame your elected county council.

  2. And they just notice this?

  3. Why did these 'so called' leaders wait so long to tackle this major problem...clueless.

  4. Wow these gangs are either really secretive or invisible for law enforcement not to go out and round them up!! Oh wait you might actually have to work to protect the people instead of going out and making money the easy way!!

  5. His comments tells on his stupidity of his job requirements. Crime in MD has been rising with gangs involved since before 2000. This State's Attorney is a Political pawn of the MD liberal Democrats. How is he a State's Attorney and not know the crime history in his County and MD? Montgomery, PG, Howard, Baltimore County and Baltimore City are the major activity center of gangs in MD.

  6. 3:42 well genius, it's not illegal to be a member of a gang, thus can simply be rounded up. But you're clearly very smart and already knew that.

  7. You reap what you sow it's as simple as that 👍🏻

  8. So he invites thousands of termites into his house's foundation and acts surprised the house is crumbling around him?


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