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Friday, July 07, 2017

Minimum wage hike set to reverse in Missouri

ST. LOUIS -- Cities all over the United States have been boosting their minimum wage. It's up to $15 an hour in Seattle, but it's going in the opposite direction in St. Louis, Missouri.

Amer Hawatmeh's family-owned restaurant in downtown St. Louis is struggling.

Along with rising sales taxes, and meat prices, a minimum wage hike to $10 an hour two months ago made it expensive to stay open. So he's cut back from five to two days a week for lunch. His hamburgers are smaller, his entrees pricier and his customers scarcer.



  1. Oh I see, EVERYTHING is rising, but lets cut back wages. Yea that makes sense. Just keeping ya in poverty, one $ at a time.

    1. I agree, ever since the 09 economy debacle boss man has been stingy with the money. That's everybody's boss man, not just ours. But the cost of living is going sky high. So where is the difference? Oh never mind I know, just raise prices some more because not as many people can buy them and they want to make the same amount of profit. It's all going to come tumbling down AGAIN.
      Thank God the evil bitch didn't get elected, we'd be in the pooper by now.

  2. People keep their selves in poverty. There's no law that says you have to work for someone. If we choose to create our own income and life, then we don't have to worry about living off what someone else says we are worth.

    1. Give me a few ideas I will start today?

  3. The cost of living going sky high is the result of the devaluation of the US Dollar.
    Our currency is being printed into oblivion by the Central Bank and then used to purchase US Bonds.
    They are literally printing money out of thin air.
    Inflation is what happens to the currency in use.
    They are "inflating" the amount of currency so every US Dollar you and I hold becomes worth less (buys less products).

  4. Herding cattle (wealth classes) into certain locations in the US. Eventually only certain wealth classes will be able to live in certain locations.

    Interesting spin.

  5. Seattle elevation is higher therefore minimum wage has to be higher. Everyone knows this. Maxine waters even said it.

  6. Obama with his global agenda tried to put small business out of business by enacting Dodd-Frank now using unions to force high wages to put them out.


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