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Saturday, July 22, 2017

MD Sues EPA To Punish Power Plants

Maryland will sue the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if 36 power plants in surrounding states are not forced to use pollution controls, the Associated Press reports.

Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles notified the agency in a letter Thursday after the offending plants missed a July 15 deadline to institute the controls required under the “good neighbor provision.”

“We need the EPA to step in to ensure that these power plants run their pollution controls on a daily basis,” Grumbles said according to the Associated Press. “We’re in discussions with the states. We need EPA to step in and help. We have the data, and it’s clear, and the pollution is coming from these power plants.”



  1. Well, it's okay, as I think it's Talbot County(?) that has been dumping raw sewage into the Bay SINCE JULY 2, and is still doing it because of some broken equipment, that's 20 DAYS and running.

    But it's the farmers' fault the Bay is polluted, of course!

  2. Good! Clean air, clean water for all.

  3. and there are complainers about the potential for wind turbines MILES off the shore. No waste being dumped, no pollution in the air - but folks moaning about sea life??

    GOOD GRIEF priority on the food chain is HUMANS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. 1134 amen. People will complain aboit anything

  4. 11:34, I'm human and I eat seafood, and you want to take away my food supply?

  5. The plants NEED to do this on their own; NOT get the EPA involved. period!!! Maryland and any other state should be allowed, by law, to SHUT any plant down that will not pass the standards given to them. This is only common sense. Get the EPA out of our lives now.


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