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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Mayor Day Goes Fishing


  1. What will they catch, minnows?

  2. Why is he fishing in the Nanticoke river? Oh yeh , I know , the Wicomico is way to dirty . Napoleon fishing rig for little people.

  3. He would not go fishing in this boat. no room for someone with a camera to take his picture.

  4. Jake Day would never do something like fishing because it would entail him getting his hands dirty. He's proven he doesn't want to do anything that's actual work by his work history. He's a hands-off kind of guy who only pimps for cameras and says a bunch of idiot garbage without any substance. He's a figurehead in every sense of the world. Hardly an outdoorsy type!

  5. You got something against Little People?


  6. 7:17 was close. It couldn't be his fishing rig because neither the car or boat are large enough to contain his ego.


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