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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Maxine Waters: ‘I’m taking the gloves off’ on Trump

‘You know what? I’m taking the gloves off and I’m going to step out.’

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has decided to take “the gloves off” to encourage others to see President Trump’s the way she does, the House Democrat said in a New York Times profile published on Friday.

“Trump was just so outrageous, so disrespectful, such a bully and dangerous for this country, I decided, ‘You know what? I’m taking the gloves off and I’m going to step out,’” Waters told the Times, explaining her bombastic rhetoric toward the president. She has called for his impeachment.

“I was going to not only challenge him but encourage others to see him for what he is: basically a bully, an egotistical maniac, a liar and someone who did not need to be president,” she continued.

Waters has proven to be one of the most vocal critics of Trump during his presidency, and has called for his impeachment.



  1. no glove, no love


  2. People keep going on about Auntie Maxine, but you know what? When you have raving lunatics like her out front, you're best off to just let them do what they're doing.

    Saves us a lot of time and effort.

  3. Anyone who listens to this old hag has got to be as senile as she is

  4. You can take the gloves off but please don't take the bag off your head.

  5. She's right, he did not "need to be President". He wanted to be President and I am glad that he is.

  6. Just please don't take off your socks.

  7. ^^^^^^ or put the bag back on? Maybe two???

  8. This person is so woefully ignorant she makes Nancy Pelosi look like a genius. Totally ignoring known facts, espousing as proven fact conclusions no sane person could reach, and so far out of touch with even those on her side, those who continually elect her should be ashamed of the harm she causes them.

  9. TYPICAL I have to be seen and heard yet what comes out is just static noise

  10. She is scared to face President Trump.
    She is a looney toon and he would have no problem confronting her.

  11. She has been very entertaining to date, can't wait to see what is next

  12. Twenty years ago she would've been just laughed out of office.
    Nowadays her stupidity and ignorance is actually accepted by the media and made newsworthy. Let's call it "The Sharpton Syndrome".
    We now live in an age where people like Stephen Colbert get standing ovations for his so-called comedy.
    My how times have changed...

  13. The more talks the more support trump gets.

  14. Oh, he needed to be president, alright, to undo what damage had been done.

  15. Empty words when there's no action, Maxine. We've heard your bellow for a while but haven't seen the charge.

  16. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 10, 2017 at 4:54 PM

    Maxine Maxi-Pad Waters has been a decade long "Champion" of Blacks Against Poverty. Well, more blacks are living on the streets and Section 8 housing apartments, while Maxi-Pad is living the high life in her 4.3 million dollar mansion, go figure. Race baiting and deceiving people of color while getting paid by Taxpayers certainly works in liberal state of California. Oh, let's not forget her own daughter getting paid $500,000 for mailing Demo-rat flyers, using donations funds, of course. And Democ-rats keep cheering, what a successful role model for other Democ-rat women voters. SMH

  17. I wish that (to complete the farce that is Maxine) she'd speak only in rhyme.

  18. She and Pelosi are off the medical cocktails for stupidity!!!

  19. I don't give a Fiddler's Damn what Maxie Waters says or thinks about anything. You Go Away Girl !

  20. She should be charged with crimes against Americans.

  21. If she takes her gloves off, it would be best if she used them to cover that face..

  22. It's so sad what California has become.

  23. Does Waxie Maxie understand that no one cares about her mindless drivel? People in government have way too much other things to deal with of far more importance that no one is really paying attention. Even her voters in her district are turning to her challenger because they realize her Trump obsession is impeding her from doing work to make their lives better. Girlfriend is doing a bang up job getting herself un-elected.

  24. NOBODY gives a damn about Maxine Waters! No one pays attention to anything she has to say! Everytime she opens her mouth she shows her ignorance and racisim. She just demonstrates that idiots and fools are still out and about.

  25. I liked her better when she had the female leading role as Mata Hari in Lancelot link when I was a kid.

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing earlier but didn't think that it would get posted. Touche!

  26. Okay, so your gloves are off. What's the "punch"? Just what have you got besides a bunch of name-calling? Charges? Evidence of wrongdoing? A Crime?

    Nope. NOTHING, burger! You have bare hands, is all.

  27. Senile old idiot. Such ignorance. It's her way of trolling for votes. She will use what she is doing and saying to the President, next year to try to get people to vote for her. I do not think it will do her any good. She is destroying herself. Next year will be her last like it will be for other democrats.

  28. she is living proof that you cannot fix STUPID!!!!!


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