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Wednesday, July 26, 2017


The Department of Labor reported a decline in Maryland’s unemployment rates as of June. Maryland’s unemployment rate now is lower than the National Average.

In the past year, the state of Maryland has added 43,100 new jobs of which businesses in the state contributed 34,700 of those new jobs. The rise in the number of jobs has resulted in a lower unemployment rate. Maryland’s unemployment rate in May this year was down to 4.2 percent from the May 2016 rate of 4.3 percent, according to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.


  1. One big fat lie.

    Explain foreclosure rate
    Maryland - 1 in every 772 housing units received a foreclosure filing.
    Nationally: 1 in every 1,540

    Yea, everything is coming up roses.

    1. At least use current numbers Maryland is one in every 1006 in Delaware is one in every 753

  2. Do they still not count those people who have given up looking for work?

  3. Plenty of jobs on other side of big bridge. Home prices back to pre-bust levels. Eastern shore is circling the drain.

  4. 114
    Only those who are officially looking for work and are enrolled in Unemployment Insurance programs are counted.
    Those people who are not entitled to Unemployment Insurance proceeds for any reason, are not counted as officially unemployed.

  5. Of course it is, around DC area but not here on the Eastern Shore. You peeps forget you're the backwater sticks and secondary to the DC burbs! Jake don't get yourself all up in a dander doing your happy dance. You're still on the hook, little buddy!

  6. My unemployment runs out soon. I've had no luck finding anything. People don't want senior citizens, I've been told that by so many employers.. Us 60 and older have few options.

  7. Most good paying jobs in Maryland are tied to the Federal and state government or the Washington DC corridor. Government contractors also. That is why the counties like Montgomery surrounding the Dc metro Area have some of the most expensive homes. I work in state government. Outside of the DC metro and Annapolis area, the rest of Maryland really isn't fairing much better than the eastern shore. I attended a meeting earlier this year with other state employees and spoke with an auditor and I.T. guy and they confirmed what I knew all along. The State of Maryland goes by payroll tax data for the real numbers. They can tell who used to pay payroll taxes and who isn't now. The real unemployment rate at that time in Wicomico and Dorchester counties was more like Thirty percent. A lot of the jobs out there are very part time paying less than ten dollars per hour. People are loosing their homes and going homeless because of this. I am hoping Trump will change this trend, but right now, the jobs that are hiring are seasonal and when the summer season is over, the rates will go up even higher.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Only those who are officially looking for work and are enrolled in Unemployment Insurance programs are counted.
    Those people who are not entitled to Unemployment Insurance proceeds for any reason, are not counted as officially unemployed.

    July 26, 2017 at 3:25 PM

    Exactly. They are not counted. lol

  9. People are "loosing" their homes because they can't spell lose and thus are either not smart enough or educated enough to hold a decent job.


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