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Friday, July 21, 2017

Maryland To Sue EPA Under Clean Air Act

Maryland plans to sue the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to take action on emissions from power plants in other states.

Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles sent a letter Thursday to EBA Administrator Scott Pruitt stating intent to sue the agency under the Clean Air Act. Gov. Larry Hogan, Attorney General Brian Frosh and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions were copied on the letter.

In November, the state petitioned the EPA to take action against 36 power plants upwind from Maryland in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. All were emitting nitrogen oxides in violation of federal law. The emissions hurt Maryland's ability to reach air quality standards, Grumbles claims.

Federal law requires the EPA to respond within 60 days. The EPA gave itself a six-month extension on Jan. 3. That extension ran out Saturday. Grumbles said the EPA has not taken action on the petition, nor has the agency set a public hearing.



  1. Suing to make other states as stupid an irresponsible as Maryland

  2. How about sue the air lines for spraying all of that gobbledygook on our heads?

  3. Md needs to get its fiscal house in order and stop wasting money trying to fight President Trump! He won and will continue to win. We want lower taxes and a Md gov that will work with the President to MAGA!

  4. Like so many other 3 letter agencies, the EPA needs to be disbanded.

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