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Friday, July 14, 2017

Maryland Awarded $2 Million in Grants to Prepare for Terrorist Attacks

REISTERSTOWN, Md. — The Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has been awarded $2,098,575 in order to prepare the State and local communities for terrorist attacks. The award, announced earlier today by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is part of the Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack Program, which will provide $35.94 million to selected recipients to improve their ability to prepare for, prevent and respond to complex coordinated terrorist attacks. MEMA is one of only 29 successful applicants nationwide for this competitive grant.

“The safety of Maryland and the protection of our citizens is a top priority,” Governor Larry Hogan said. “These funds will enable our state to incorporate a comprehensive approach to preparing for and responding to the threat of terrorism into our emergency management system.”

This grant will fund capability building at the state and local government level by enhancing planning, training and exercising for terrorist attacks and improving emergency managers’ response.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, terrorist incidents, such as those in London, England; Boston, Massachusetts; Nairobi, Kenya; San Bernardino, California; Paris, France; and Brussels, Belgium; highlight an emerging threat known as complex coordinated terrorist attacks.

“Recent history has shown that we need to prepare for a wide range of incidents and even violent attacks,” said MEMA Executive Director Russ Strickland. “This grant and the associated work will help ensure that Maryland continues to be a leader in consequence management and risk reduction.”


  1. Well, I guess I am glad someone is finally recognizing these "attacks" as committed by terrorists. But, refusing to honor Trump's travel ban just opens the flood gates; seems counter-intuitive.

  2. It makes more sense to get rid of the terrorists.

  3. 7:36 you're right, the elderly grandparents who saw their sons and daughters escape to the free world should absolutely not be able to visit their families here. They should never be able to see them again. Read the bans before you make generalized statements. Perhaps when the government comes for you, you will have a different opinion


  4. Of course, being a state that welcomes illegal immigration and keeps its law-abiding citizenry disarmed, a grant to help deal with the inevitable problems is a nice gesture.

  5. Let President Trump do his job!

  6. Hogan, Miller and Busch needs to make Maryland a "Right to Carry " State. They can leave in the Background checks. Reverse the 2nd Amendment laws of restrictions on magazine sizes, types of weapons etc. We will take care of the radicals for free and then the State would have more money for Vets, elderly and children. Hogan has done nothing like he said in his run for Governor. Time to lock and load for the Maryland Citizens Governor.


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