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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Lyft Wants To End Car Ownership — This Is How They Want To Do It

It’s no secret that Lyft has its sights set on a country without individual car ownership — with thecompany’s co-founder calling it a “$9,000 ball and chain” that people have to drag along in their daily lives — but now the ride-hailing service is elaborating further on how exactly it can accomplish that goal. 


  1. they would have to be very cheap rides to replace 300 month payments, not having to wait for a car to arrive etc. the good part would be not having to worry about what kind of person would pick you up. I have seen some scary cab drivers, ones I wouldn't ride with again.

  2. 300 a month car payment plus insurance, fuel and maintenance. Closer to 700 per month. Won't be common place in hillbilly areas. Their model works in suburban and metro areas.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    300 a month car payment plus insurance, fuel and maintenance. Closer to 700 per month. Won't be common place in hillbilly areas. Their model works in suburban and metro areas.

    July 22, 2017 at 8:57 AM

    you must be a very bad driver if you have to spend that much for insurance and gas every month. or maybe you do in metro areas. lol


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