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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Liberals are killing Maryland!

By Thornton Crowe

Just what does this new Maryland law preventing suspensions and expulsions from public schools really mean to our society?

Chaos. Anarchy. Overtaxing our penal system with lawbreakers who were raised in a system where boundaries were not allowed...

You wonder why kids today throw attitude today? This is the very reason why. They don't fear any repercussions whatsoever. Not from parents. School. Law Enforcement. Etc.

Liberals don't seem to understand that without structure, kids believe no one cares about or loves them. Without discipline they are left unfettered to do as they will and nobody will ever hold them accountable. Any Psych 101 class will tell you this but they just ignore that part of the program.

Like human nature dictates, all people, at one point or another, push the limits to the point they end up incarcerated at one point in their lives because at some point, the Law prevails. 

Ironically, Liberals don't like laws unless they legislate behaviors they deem as acceptable. Example: You can bully, beat up on your classmates and mouth off at your teachers without recourse but don't you dare smoke a cigarette out in public! Sends kids all the wrong messages but then again... what do you expect?

You're expecting bullies to mind the bullies. Does this make any sense?

At the end of the day, it is our complicit nature of the loony Left that has fostered this dereliction within our society and caused our school system to be a hotbed filled with violence, disrespect and primitive behaviors ill befitting of any animal kingdom. 

We have no one to blame but ourselves that we send people to Annapolis who pass this kind of trash policy and then turn around patting themselves on the back as if they've done something meaningful for the communities. Perhaps it's time we made better selections in our representatives - ones who hold values and principles more liken to a civilize society rather than wallow in some urban decay. The choice is really up to you. 

Vote wisely and you'll get a much different result. Vote with common sense and you'll get common sense governance. It's really that simple!


  1. What, indeed, is the purpose of schools if not to instill the self confidence and humility necessary to learn and grow into a decent future?

    1. Teachers are supposed to teach academic content. PARENTS are supposed to teach social and psychosocial at home with SUPPORT from the teacher!

    2. Conservative TeacherJuly 12, 2017 at 9:12 PM

      Amen 609! Ive been saying that on here for years!

  2. Common sense? Yea right,common sense ain't common.

  3. Until MD gets term limits we will have a government of destruction. The shared "Boss Hog" title shared by Miller in the Senate and Busch in the House is interpreted with they will rule for themselves and not the entire State of MD. They have never had a balanced budget without raising taxes, moving money around, stealing from the State Retirement Fund and other manipulative moves. They have never taken a pay cut when they have forced State employees into pay cuts and lower benefits along with losing MD jobs which hurt the majority of MD tax payers. They will always misuse / misappropriate funds for Baltimore City, roads, transportation and public transportation in Baltimore / DC / Central MD. They have manipulated districts to protect the Democratic rule which violated / violates Federal law. just a few examples.

  4. I thought that was what parents were for 1:37.

  5. This was brought on by the obama admin to allow thugs off with a slap on the wrist bc blacks compared to whites had it rough growing up so the system needs ti loik away but now there is total anarchay in schools and white kids and teachers are being assaulted we must bring back suspensions and expulsions for ORDER.

  6. Get your kids out of the public schools as soon as possible! So glad mine are no longer at Bennett. If I am lucky to have grandchildren, I will help pay for them to go to private school like mine did their their elementary school years. It is not a place for learning, but for socialist indoctrination and political correctness.

  7. As a public school teacher, I agree with the article. When I first started teaching kids were held accountable. If a student was disrespectful, they got suspended. In most cases, that was it, lesson learned. Now they almost have to commit murder to be suspended. Whatever happened to if you were bad, you received punishment for it? It didn't matter if you were having a "bad" day, we all have them. This is the number one reason why I will not stay in education much past my retirement elgibilty. I, like other teachers have had enough of trying to teach kids that have been turned into adults at an early age. Believe it or not most kids long for the discipline that needs to be given. I think back to my own childhood. I thanked my parents later on for making me toe the line.

  8. Too many parents don't have the equipment, or aren't there at all.

  9. ANON 1:48PM

    That's a shortcut. I know many people - products of Public Schools - that came out alright. The kids also learn this activity from the mall, church, anywhere they congregate. It all starts AT HOME! Private schools are great for those who can afford (or make affording them a priority in the family budget) but not always practical for a chicken plucker on the line making less than a slave's wage at Perdue! So we have to be practical and pragmatic.

    In short, parents need to pony up to bar and do their due diligence but our legislators need to get the hell out of our schools as well. See, that's what happens when you take money from agencies - you are beholden to their rules, ideas and principles (or the lack thereof). Hence, you have to play by their rules or go by the way of yesterday's news.

    You vote people out of office in Annapolis passing this trash off for real legislature, then you've got a fighting chance for your kids to be able to learn at school -- book learning instead of combat training for life in a forward area!

  10. Oh my my my , it's a commin folks , read between the lines. Some of us just won't take it any longer. My taxes , my money pay for this crap , school board needs to go .

  11. We voted during the last election for an elected school board here in Wicomico County. I went to a few of the public meetings concerning this. On the ballot this was voted for and passed, but I have yet to see anything happening with this. Still waiting for this to happen. Right now it is the same as taxation without representation. The property tax payers of the county have no voice in how our tax money is spent. The Board of Education takes the bulk of our tax money and spends it as they see fit. Remember: "It's for the children"!!! You see the high salaries of board members, yet you see a poor quality product in our public schools. Good money is going to by decisions and planning. This needs to stop and soon!

  12. look at the schools here in Wicomico County and the tax money that is spent per student, most are on the wait list for the DOC and not SU, time to weed out the bad ones in first grade and put them to work on the farm and make sure they can not have any kids

  13. 1:43 PM
    Only some parents, obviously.

  14. Schools have been indoctrinating kids into liberalism...the younger crowd I work with are ALL card carrying liberal snowflakes that get offended by any conversation that is remotely conservative, pro-law enforcement, any good comment about Trump, SUV's, etc...you get the idea....

  15. 1:53 you're a teacher? Well thanks a lot! You're responsible for this mess! Stand the hell up for yourselves as educators and make the changes fool! I'm sick of hearing all these "teachers" complain when they are the problem and could do something about it.

  16. I am also a teacher at a local highschool and it is not the teachers fault, at least most of them. The cowards running the schools have already stopped the discipline. We are constantly told that our discipline referrals are down when we know many more have been written. They are hiding things and fudging the numbers just like the city and crime stats. There have been rapes, sexual assults, assults on teachers by students, students with knives and guns that have been pushed under the rug. When teachers press charges on students the charges are always dropped and never perused by the county. They are NOT looking out for the students, they (the administration) are looking out for themselves.


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