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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Kobach: Lawsuits Seek to Prevent Exposure of Non-Citizens on Voter Rolls

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who serves as vice chairman of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, talked with Breitbart News Daily on Friday about efforts by groups like the ACLU and NAACP to prevent his commission from doing its work.

Kobach described the Commission on Election Integrity as “the first-ever nationwide bipartisan body investigating voter fraud in America.”

“The first meeting was an important one,” he said. “We heard a significant amount of evidence already, including the fact that there are at least 938 criminal convictions for election crimes since approximately the year 2000 across the country. There may be more. That’s an effort to catalog all of the convictions recorded in newspapers across the country.”

“We also charted the course for what other forms of voter fraud will be studied in the future, what the full menu is going to be for the commission in the coming year,” he added.

Kobach said that “inaccuracies in our voting rolls” will be among the issues the commission will study carefully.

“There are literally millions if you count the voting rolls of all 50 states, millions of individuals on those voting rolls who are either deceased individuals who have not been removed.


1 comment:

  1. I think that is known as obstruction of justice!

    It's a dumbocrat thing!


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