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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jaquan M. Griffin Was Expected In Court On Monday On Gun Charges 7-9-17


  1. Replies
    1. Smh sooooooooo said!!!!! Makes no sense that you spoke of someone that you don't even know. I will pray for you!!

  2. A big "Thank You" to the trooper who just saved the taxpayers a bunch of time and money!

    1. My family isn't made up of people who commit crimes constantly....if you don't like the comments here then leave....

    2. I would like to why you need to be Anonymous? You are a fudge up to your family. You are disrespect, ignorant, and a waste of breath. This man bleeds just like you. What makes you any better than ANY OTHER person!

    3. What makes me better....I have never committed a crime....have never been arrested...I respect the law....and human life....moron

    4. Boy are very sad and I will pray for you... You know nothing about him. He came from a very strong family that hasn't been in trouble... Smh at you all God bless you I will pray for you. And hope that nothing happens to your oh so innocent family.

    5. 9:19. Nobody's crime free.

    6. I'm sure that's a white person speaking smh...comments like this makes me hate white mfs

    7. No I know the difference between right and wrong...I respect human life....I never spoke of his family and won't....he chose the direction knowing it was wrong skin color regardless....

    8. smh this is sad...how can any one say some hurtful stuff like this...how would you feel if this was one of you're family members, would you then say they got what they deserve. Anyone on here who has something negative to say about this boy let me tell you something,no family is perfect and i'm sure if you dig deep enough you will find some dirt on you're own family as well. For once gain some knowledge instead of ignorance. One day you will truly know the pain his family is feeling and will regret the decisions you make as you comment on this page. This is not about color.

    9. 12:05 AM

      You think comments are the problem, and not a guy shooting his own cousin outside of Denny's over nothing? Says it all. Y'all are in denial about the state of your own community, and you wonder why people make the comments they do.

    10. Please don't claim you're opinion to be a fact. you only know what the media is giving you.There was a third person involved (not the cop) but i bet you didn't know that

  3. Savage...I like that!!!

  4. No harm. He was NOTHING but trouble for this place.

    1. But would you be saying that if it was one of your family members to pass away? Only because of misdemeanors hes "nothing" but trouble? Come tf you're NOTHING but ignorant and disrespectful you make me sick

    2. If you don't like the comments then leave....this guy was a useless criminal and now justice is served and he is no longer a taxpayer burden

    3. Also how can u only comment upon approval but its still negativety up here pd. Smh

  5. Need bigger consequences for gun violations! Thank God only the bad guys were hurt!

    1. Can someone explain to me how possession of illegal firearm is a misdemeanor and not a felony

    2. That's what I was thinking.

    3. He was working for the police, that's why.

  6. Imagine what his juvenile record was like. He had over 40 charges on 2 pages in last 3 years.

  7. Misdemeanors!?!? Really? How is that going to deter people from carrying illegally, it obviously didn't since he was found with another firearm...

  8. A string of misdemeanor gun crimes? Just a citizen harassed for exercising his 2A rights... The man was defending himself. Get off your high horses, hypocrites

    1. Sorry but unless he had a concealed carry permit he wasn't exercising S*** and got what he obviously was looking for

    2. Sorry but unless he had a concealed carry permit he wasn't exercising S*** and got what he obviously was looking for

    3. Ahhh 2:31 you are part of the problem but never part of the solution!

    4. 2:31
      I sincerely hope that's sarcasm. You can't possibly be that stupid. That man you are saying defended himself shot at law enforcement when confronted!

    5. No he didn't. The guy that shot him shot at the police.

    6. Do off duty private hires identify themselves as LE or is it possible this guy thought another shooter was coming after him?

    7. Sounds like a liberal moron

    8. Exactly 5:01 . If im getting shot at im going to shoot back!!!

  9. Sad this type of deterrent WILL NOT make any different in the big scheme of things. Kinda like the ol'sayin - kill one and two will take their place. In this instance, killing 2 and now 4 probably will take their place.

    Sad and its on your watch JAKE BOY!

    1. Sad part is, these thug procreate faster than fate takes it's course. I would be willing to bet both of those listed have children. And...Im quite sure those who laid with these pieces of s**t are just as worthless. No doubt, these females have no means to raise a child, so it is the responsibility of the tax payers! They are no better than the thugs they lay with!! More resource-sucking individuals! I raised my kids and now am responsible for all those who aren't responsible for themselves. I am over it, maybe someday fate will prevail!!!!

    2. Do you know these kids if not then what gives you the right to judge them. If you're being shot at and fear for your life you're going to in turn retaliate because you don't know who's coming at you. Unfortunately two lives were lost and families are grieving. Bet your ignorant ass would feel differently if it was your family. You should have compassion for the families whether they have kids or not. Hopefully none are your Grands.

    3. People in my family and most don't walk around carrying illegal weapons....these two clowns got what they deserved....case closed...

    4. Self righteous all these not my family comments lying. No family is perfect. Some are worse then others but none perfect

  10. Wow...do u say good riddance to all of those heroin addicts dying every day...well u should. The less of them on the streets the better

    1. Holly crap! I had no idea you were god! I had no idea that you're the one who get to pick and choose which human deserve to live and which him deserve to die. Can you walk on water too!!

    2. If you knowingly make bad decisions in life..bad things will happen.... drug users know the risks....gang bangers know the results...criminals know what jail is....sorry no sympathy here...

  11. Do dead guys lose their bond?

  12. Crime is down in the 'bury

  13. You people on here speaking ill of dead people should be embarrassed and ashamed. Not one solitary person has justified what these boys have done but if you can't find any empathy in your hearts for them what about their mothers? Or their fathers? What about everyone who is left here to suffer consequences of actions they did not commit. Posting his history is cowardly and disrespectful to the people who are going to miss him and would give anything to see him smile or laugh one more time. Y'all are one of the biggest great problems in this world. Instead of getting on here bashing a young man who is dead you should be hugging your own children and loving them but you can because your thumbs are too damn busy on the internet.

    1. It's hard to have sympathy for parents that raised a thug. Just sayn. Where were they when he was young?

    2. Well WAIT a minute!!!! His mother did right by him. She's a very hard working young lady that just happen to have someone take her child's life. No matter what you all think he was a good kid. Someone has always made a mistake in their lives. You should never wish nothing on them at all.... I am very sadden by this... I will pray for you all that thanks like this!!!!!

    3. Public info dear! Perhaps if his family or neighborhood did what you suggest we do, this whole conversation would be a moot point. Innocent people could have died from stray bullets shot by people who shouldnt have had guns in the first place. They both had guns and they both used them in a public place with no thought for others, except that it happened outside. Respect is earned, not given. And you know DA*N well someone in the black community is out there right now screaming "sue the police!" "Eff the police". "Another black man shot by a white police officer!" But very little about the black guy HE shot and killed. I feel for the officers, the innocent restaurant patrons and employees, the Tiger Mart employees and patrons and the hotel patrons and employees. I feel nothing except contempt for these man-children who turned to guns to solve a dispute. Sorry, not sorry.

    4. Bad choices....bad results...they knew they were wrong...tax dollars saved

    5. @ 5:03: he was the one shot by the guy not by the police officer

    6. It's funny how the people speaking bad of this boys mother and the way she raised him want to be anonymous. At the end if the day we raise out kids the vast way we know how and once they become adults it us up the them wboc direction they decide to take. So for you tasteless people on here with no respect be proud and put your name to ur post cowards

    7. To correct:it isn't up to us the direction our kids choose take you can raise your kids right and they will still go left.. But i forgot none of all have kids that do anything wrong.

    8. They were both shooting at each other..... 515 please read the story.....duh

    9. 3:11

      And another one. Just keep proving the point. "Y'all are one of the great problems in the world". No, the real problem is two idiots shooting at each other over some nonsense. Peoples comments are just a result. Recognize the reality of what's going on in your community.

    10. 5:52 there you go believing everything the cops say. If you wasn't there then don't speak on anything. No one cares about your opinion anyway

    11. People show so much lack of class. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Until the investigation is completed comments should be limited to it is a tragedy and something needs to be done. If the story finds to be completely different then reported and this boy was shot by someone else or the circumstances are different, crickets is what we ll see and here. When u assume u make a as$ of urself. Leave your keyboard investigation to the detctives and genuine witnesses that where there

  14. You all must be mistaken because there is NO crime in Salisbury, right Mr.mayor? Lol

  15. Having a gun dosent make you a criminal, doing illegal things with it does. Having possession of a firearm is an assumed crime...the charge ASSUMES your going to do something illegal. If your behind the wheel of a vehicle...should you be charged for speeding...assumed you will eventually/likely going to speed? The politicians of this state knowingly violate OUR 2ND amendment rights because they can and have delayed OUR right to be heard in the Supreme Court. Speak up and insist for your 2A right, as have over 40 other states....your going to need it sooner than you think.

    1. You are an idiot...but we all know you can't fix stupid

  16. You guys upset me, he was getting ready to go to college at UMES, and had a promising outcome. Just because he had a few rigged charges from the police, you automatically think he was bad. I say rigged, because you know there is no way he had all those charges and be on the street. This aint right, and you all bunch of jerks being like he actually did this. He hadnt been found guilty of none that stuff yet. THey just all rigged stuff the corupt police put on him.

    1. Oh so he was a boy scout working on his firearms badge at 2am and just happened to accidentally fire at another person who I am sure was also innocent? Do you actually believe what you wrote?

  17. Look at that rap sheet, How was this guy allowed to walk among us? What an outrage, Our justice system is failing us. His parents should be held accountable for releasing this upon our society.

    1. What ignorance. He isn't a bad kid!!!!!! How do we let a what kid kidnaps a disabled child and be ok with it. A crime is a crime but we don't hear about this do we??

    2. His parent have nothing to do with it! Just as you teaching yours right & they go left! His actions were HIS!

  18. 400 it wouldn't happen in my family. They know how to keep their spurs from jangling like Lash LarRue.

  19. The government should render NO assistance for the (if you want to call them that) females who bear children with the low lives. If your "baby daddy" shot, you can figure it out! You get what you ask for!!! I am quite sure they were just "minding their own business" at 2AM when us working class citizens were sleeping so we could work to support your WORTHLESS a**! Good bye!!!!!

    1. Wow really? So you know the mothers of these children? Just from looking at a record? You automatically know what kind of human being she is and what she does and doesn't deserve? Because I see nothing here regarding the company this individual that clearly NONE of you know. See this is the problem. People read news articles, they google people, even post public records and everyone flocks and automatically assumes they know exactly who this person is. They assume they automatically know this persons family and how they were raised. Then they assume its ok to talk about it and judge and bash a family, including innocent children. What gives ANYONE the right to discuss someones character, to judge or speak about people they dont know?! Having an opinion is one thing, but to act in such a childish and disrespectful way..wow..I can see Salisbury is really producing a great crop of human. "Ready to judge you at the drop of a hat, come on in!" should be our new city slogan. Put it right on the city welcome sign. Im not embarrassed of this person, Im more embarrassed of all of you judgemental hypocrites. I dont agree with crime, drugs or any of the crap thats trying to run our streets. But talkin crap and gossip on the Internet isnt gonna change ANYTHING in this town. Pat yourselves on the back folks..you are doing a fine job of making this town a place everyone wants to LEAVE!

    2. So let me get this straight. YOU think the people on here making comments is why people want to leave Salisbury?? 😂🤣 People want to leave Salisbury because of crap like last night at Denny's.
      And people are assuming because unfortunately he is the face of YOUR culture. You play with fire you get burned. He had a rap sheet 4 pages long and was only 21. Shouldn't you be more concerned with helping these kids instead of worrying about people judging them? He committed a crime and he paid for it with his life and I can't help but think that if his parents were in his life he would not have chosen that road. Notice I said parents! Now go ahead and tell me he was a good boy and I'm wrong.

    3. Unfortunately, we wouldn't be so lucky:(

    4. Both chose to go to the same place knowing they had a beef. Both had ILLEGAL firearms on their persons. Both fired those firearms at each other and around innocent human beings. I would say the same thing if it were two rednecks at the Village Inn. Chickie, we r not talkin bout one misconduct charge on his record. We're talkin over 40! It's not the law abidin ppl who are ending up in the morgue or on the police blotter. Do you not give a s**t about the people who didn't know either of these kids who witnessed the worst thing a human could do to another? Not once but twice? Would you feel differently if those cops weren't there and a waitress got killed? A kid who's family stopped for an early breakfast on their way back home from vacation? YOUR kid or sibling or parent who had to witness this? Or got hit by a stray bullet and killed?? I'm embarrassed of your lack of compassion and empathy for the innocent people who had to witness this. What about the people who will lose income because they couldn't work and will lose income because people won't go there for a while? Stop making the criminals the victims!!!!' I do feel for the cop and people there. I do NOT feel for the criminals....they CHOSE their actions. It's not like they were total strangers. There was history between them and instead of keeping a distance, they had to be barney-badasses for street cred. Which aint worth a damn now, is it? There is no law against eating pancakes. There IS for carrying an illegal firearm and firing said firearm in public! You are the embarrassment because it's people like you who make excuses for them instead of holding them accountable...period.

  20. Latonya Dennis said...
    Smh ppl

    July 9, 2017 at 3:59 PM

    Awww.. Latonya be offended one of her peoples is bein talk bout.

    1. Same way you are when your s are talked about, wait a minute when band aid yall s mess

  21. You people making rude dum comments will have to answer to the higher power who gives you the right to say anything who are you to judge you make me sick just reading your going slam to hell and lets hope you dont run into any aka thugs on the way i hope they all waiting for you! Get a life your in misery nobody deserves to die except rapist and child molesters so back off and let the family mourn

  22. Just could not learn could he?

  23. First of all these young men are some mother's child and they are in need of community support not community degrading of their child. No I don't know them but this could have been anyone of our children just by innocently eating at Dennys during this time. Stray bullets don't have anyone's name on them. Secondly, anyone who has to post anonymously is just a coward. Remember we are all human no matter the name, sex or race. I ask you to come together as a community and support these grieving families.

  24. To the friends and family members of Jaquan. When you come here and comment attempting to use curse words, you are being spammed, each and every one of you. If you want to be civilized and publish well thought out comments I will publish them but until then, once we spam you your comments just simply disappear and we don't even see them.

    1. Civilized ? Lol there the ones who probably taught the punk what he knows ...like shooting at POLICE OFFICER so F THEM.

  25. Oh, let me say this as well. These were two men shooting at each other as well as at a Police Officer. I have NO RESPECT or remorse towards anyone trying to murder someone, period. So there, I've answered your question.

    1. Nobody knows what really happened and dna hasn't been provided whether it was his gun or not they don't know how many people could have been shooting & how do they know if it was jaquans gun when he walked in the diner and collapsed , please be mindful that they are trying to put a story together. Who's to say there wasn't nobody with jaquan the cop had his focus on the other guy

  26. A moment of silence for him in the courtroom?

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Threats on my life, nothing new. I have alerted the authorities and they are following Facebook as well. Is that how it works now, kill the white guy for producing facts and truth. Amazing!

  29. What kind of beef makes a guy want to shoot it out in a diner parking lot?

    1. What kinda threat makes an officer kill an innocent man in front of his family?

    2. Maybe when that THUG turns the gun on the officer???!!! Um, yeah, MAYBE!

    3. Innocent man with a gun shooting in public?? Stray bullet could have hit you then is he still innocent??

  30. Reguardless of the crimes committed by either party, I'm sure they do have families who are grieving them. Please think of them, and of course how you would feel if this was your family member. Your words say a lot about who you are as a person, especially on social media where the tone can be translated from how a person reads it in their mind even if you mean something else. Just my opinion.

  31. Im offended by all of your comments may the LORD have mercy on you all death affects more than you realize they are someones child and nobody deserves that but perverts i cry for all of the family and friends and sadly i pray that all the rude and judged comments stop because its ignorant

    1. I am offend d by your ILLITERACY! Your whole comment is one run-on sentence!

    2. I am Offended on how you love thug criminal POS out hurting innocent people like your damn A..

    3. Most of the time they are a criminal....with a gun they shouldn't have....I'm just glad no innocent person lost their life....another toilet flushed...tax dollars saved....

    4. So basically, if someone killed your child or anyone that you love, you wouldn't be calling the murderer all sorts of things and talking mad s%&t about them? What would you have done? Hug them and talk nice about them?? There are a whole lot of people that could have lost their lives or their childrens lives at Denny's. Thank God that they ONLY murdered EACH OTHER!!

  32. You'd think if one applied religion prior to the "ACT", rather than after with the comments here, the "ACT" would not have transpired.

    For those having difficulty with the last sentence, I will dumb it down:`

    If one would simply ask WWJD prior to doing something bad - maybe...just maybe something BAD wouldn't happen.

    Unfortunately, lather/rinse/repeat scenario is in play!
    Very sad indeed!

  33. All this ignorance is ridiculous who are we to play god and say these young men deserved this most people up here did not know who these young men were so you have no right to stereotype anyone involved

  34. Possessing a gun is not the problem.
    Committing crimes against property or persons is a problem.

    I stand up for his right to bear arms, but not his decision to harm other people with those arms unless in self-defense.
    Every American should stand for the same principles.

    Sorry he was killed, but also sorry he chose to commit crimes against other people.

    1. I agree with you 100%. I sympathize with those who are mourning him, but I wish he had chosen a different path

  35. From the court case, Jaquan was out on bail awaiting trial for several misdemeanor charges, some including firearms (illegal possession). It was illegal for him to have a firearm but he had one. And you all saying he just made a bad decision? Hardly. He knew the law and didn't give a flip about it. No a problem any longer.

  36. 519 many aren't sorry because he would be a repeat offender for the rest of his life anyway. Chances are if he was there being shot at, there was something that brought him to this fate. The article said it was a group of people congregated there so it's not like the two perps weren't known to some group. Probably local gang related over some chick or turf. Homes knew what they were getting into and their shelf life was short. Not sorry at all.

  37. Glad that the officer was not harmed. Too bad he had to go through that over a bunch of punks.

  38. WOW, amazing comments:
    He was such a good boy, the charges were rigged, the world was against him, his mother was a good person (funny no mention of a father in any of the comments). You are stereotyping. He was turning his life around. (and the best one, we were all expecting) - The officer killed an innocent man.


    Now you see the real problem.
    Every single time this happens, there are the same old excuses.

    1. Smh amazed at all the comments my prayers go out to both families so much meaningless violence it has to stop God help us all

  39. What I do not understand is who is thinking about the MSP officer and what he may be going through after the incident

  40. Why can't some people just admit that this guy was wrong
    If you are going to play you got to pat...

  41. These comments are so disrespectful to his family. I don't care what that man did or didn't do, he still has family that loves him. We all pay tax dollars, but who has the right to wish and praise on someone's death? I hope yall don't consider yourself a christian. If so, I think you need to go read the bible a little more.

    1. Nope...don't proclaim to be a Christian! And...if his family loved him so much, why didn't they teach him morals to keep him off the streets and how to be a responsible LAW-ABIDING citizen! Get over your sense of entitlement!

  42. Its easy for people that have grown up on a pedastal to look down upon the "pheasants" beneath you. Some of you will never understand what it takes to survive these streets, because you never had to. So why bash this young man while he is not here to defend himself? Bunch of cowards hiding behind a key board. This young mans mother is in MOURNING! Regardless of your opinion she carried him for 9 long months.. That was her baby!! Dont you all have babies??? You all should be ashamed of yourselves!
    A mother that loves her child unconditionally

    1. 617 why are you talking about birds? Is it tough for pheasants to survive on your streets?

  43. 6:16 PM yea and what he did to society wasn't disrespectful, huh.
    That may answer your whiny comment on why society doesn't mourn for your friend.
    Some of us Christians aren't a drain on society and don't go shooting people up in diner parking lots. If you are a Christian you would be looking at the truth and take responsibility and stop blaming others. No one is stopping mom from loving her criminal child, but that doesn't obligate the rest of us to.

    1. Nobody is asking you to love him. Just keep your white racial comments to yourself

  44. 6:19 PM Maybe it wasn't loaded. Fake gangbanger.

  45. 619 it depends on the scenario. It was a misdemeanor here because he wasn't engaged in a felonious act while in possession of a firearm. Had he been, then the possession would've been bumped up immediately. He could have had an unlicensed/unregistered firearm or carrying without a C&C permit. Big no-nos but not felonies. all the same. Looks like he was charged with trespassing which is a misdemeanor but if he had committed grand larceny during that trespassing incident, then it would be a felony - and everything else would follow suit. Griffin carrying a gun last night was a felony because he was on bail. When you have a bond, police are supposed to confiscate all firearms, which in this case, they didn't or he didn't hand them over when they went to get them or it was new through illegal means.

    Make sense now? Hope it helps you understand it better.

  46. No, 624 if you look at the charges he had ammo on him. illegal ammo at that. Doubt it was a "Fake gangbanger."

  47. 635 conjecture does nothing for anyone right now. Everyone should wait until ballistics, autopsy and crime scene investigation are completed and police weigh in before anyone gets their knickers in a twist. The scenarios are endless.

  48. There aren't many good kids out there with two pages of charges and other cases since turning 18 years old. He's had many times at the rodeo.

  49. To all those defending this young man, I am sorry that this happened. It is horrible. That being said, it's time to look at the thug culture. There are many excellent black men and women in this nation. It's not a race thing (for most of us). It's time you stop blaming the white man for your troubles. Not one of us owned slaves (I'm Slavic for Christ's sake!) Not one of us pumps crack into your own bodies or shoots up a denmys and then looks to blame everyone else but ourselves. It's time to look inward and take a long hard look at the morals you instill to these children you raise. I'm betting you won't like what you see...

  50. To all the defenders of this gentleman's actions, and the people trying to put a twist on what actually happened. The entire scenario is really quite simple. If you point a weapon at a Police Officer.....someone is going to die!

    1. And...THANK GOD it wasn't the police officer!

    2. I wish it was the police office

  51. 6:28 PM They are all fake gangbangers. Rapper wanna be's. Proud of their thug life, while their families turn a blind eye.

  52. 7:02 PM Glad we could help, unlike you and your criminal friends bringing the community down.

    You need to open your eyes.

    1. 724 what are talking about or is this just more rambling

  53. 6:41 PM 2 thugs with guns shot each other. Cops ended the argument. Nothing to wait for. It's a no brainer

  54. Nobody has yet mentioned that Jaquan was probably an Eagle Scout and Ward was probably just getting some breakfast while waiting for Oak Ridge Baptist's early service so that he could serve as an acolyte.

  55. April Jackson thinks holding a vigil will solve everything. Geesh. Clueless.

    1. You mean April "Trump far pass the Holly center!" Jackson? The woman can't even spell.

    2. Not a peep from our mayor! He's too busy pimping that BS video about how great Salisbury is.

  56. Probably relatives of hers!!

  57. Praying for Jaquans family and friends. He was a good kid.

    It's unfortunate that the anonymous racists on here have no sympathy for a life lost.

    Regardless of the mistake or his mistakes made a mother has lost a son and society has lost another young male who if given an opportunity could have changed the world.

    Rest in Heaven young brother. We will now carry your torch.

    Will always think of you!

    Mr. J.

    1. 7:54 Mr J I'm sorry for your loss. But stating facts doesn't make people racists. Facts are facts.

    2. Carry his torch? To where? I'm sorry this happened but you can't possibly believe you will get sympathy for how it ended.

    3. Change the world???? One bullet at a time....good riddance

    4. Mr J .....really???? This man was a criminal....as usual let's immediately throw down the race card....aren't you folks tired of this game already???? Look at the actual numbers....grow up and face the reality that young black men that commit these acts against other young black men.....until black people wake up this pattern will continue...stop blaming white people....

    5. HE DID CHANGE THE WORLD!!!....... FOR THE OTHER THUG'S FAMILY AND FRIENDS....lmao @ "he was a good kid". I would certainly be scared to see what " a bad kid" is in your eyes. He is a MURDERER!!!! AND NOW HES DEAD!!! Thank God that he cant "CHANGE THE WORLD" for anybody else!

  58. Obama has a real chance to heal the racial divide. Instead, he chose to vilify police officers, teachers, city and state governments. Don't tell me he could not have addressed drugs and violence. He chose not to. Remember if "He had a son?" Remember the beer summit? Instead, he gave credence to the illusion of a racist white population in order to smokescreen and not address the real problproblems in the black community. If America is so damn racist, why did it elect Obama twice, see Bush nominate Colin Powell and condeleeza rice and see innumerable excellent black people in general's uniforms???

  59. 7:40 PM it was sarcasm. smdh at you idiots.

  60. 814 its the very very very very verrrrrrrrry slight difference of those educated and those lacking education. Very simple, but they wouldn't know it if you wrote it out for them.

    THAT is what's really SAD!

  61. You crackers are unbelievable!!!

    1. Why? Are they that tasty 827?

      And you all day only whites can be racist. SMH

    2. Especially with Cheese!:)

  62. 7:45 sighhhhhhhhhh. Yes, in truth, we all need to turn to God, we need to reinvigorate the family unit, we need civics, civility, manners, politeness, and most importantly, respect. I can be swayed by a lot of comments on here. I have to be honest that I get mad and frustrated at the senseless situation here but your comment helped me refocus on what is really important and that is not judging people and to pray God hears our cries and "heals our land". the Kilbirnie Kid

  63. 6:26,sounds like tit for tat is why the court system is a revolving door for criminals.

  64. Yes April Jackson should hold a vigil, its like family to her and in our black community alot of the kids are like family so stop and have some compassion for the lives affected! And to the person offended by the Illiteracy lol read your own statement you retard

  65. Blogger William Johnson said...
    Praying for Jaquans family and friends. He was a good kid.

    It's unfortunate that the anonymous racists on here have no sympathy for a life lost.

    Regardless of the mistake or his mistakes made a mother has lost a son and society has lost another young male who if given an opportunity could have changed the world.

    Rest in Heaven young brother. We will now carry your torch.

    Will always think of you!

    Mr. J.

    July 9, 2017 at 7:54 PM

    LOL - LMAO - LOL - Could have changed the world?????
    Mr. J - he couldn't change himself, and you defending it means we know your world change would be for you...

  66. I can't believe how ignorant people are....He was a human just like all of us people make bad choices and get in trouble that doesn't mean they deserve to die... What makes you better then him or anyone else??

    1. Let me educate you toots....you say "he was a human just like all of us people make bad choices and get in trouble that doesn't mean they deserve to die." First of all, learn how to write, use proper grammar and educate yourself on sentence structure. However, that is not the point I want to make. You say he is "human" and "doesn't deserve to die". Well, we are ALL human and, guess what, we are ALL going to die. We were all born "terminal". The day we were born, we started to die. That is a fact and the simple truth. It's the circle of life. So, to say he "didn't deserve to die", are you saying he is better than EVERYONE else and is the only person in the history of the world who shouldn't die? Please learn how to express yourself properly.

    2. I am pretty sure she or he made herself clear about saying he was Superior to anyone and who are you to correct her or him

  67. ...IF given an opportunity? Age 21 and how many times bumping up "against" the law? Seem he was given LOTS of opportunities J. And pulling out the racism card??? It will NEVER stop if we keep screaming about our color and always being without a father figure!


  68. William Johnson - Hmm. Good kid? Kid with an illegal gun, fires and kills a relative. Good Kid? And your statement is what is wrong with your culture. Sad that you feel the TRUTH is racist, but that again, it an issue with your culture. If it doesn't fit your agenda, it's racist.

  69. Let me just say HE did not shoot at the police. There was another guy in the mix that shot at this boy and killed him then shot at the police. The police killed the guy who killed this boy. This boy went in Dennys and collapsed after the boy shot him. Get your facts and stop judging!

    1. Did this "boy" have an illegal weapon that he fired at Ward? Yep. Next.

  70. 8:44 my God, man. Can't you speak a word of English? The only understanding of your message is you are really ignorant. You are probably a part time worker at Wal Mart and drink the cheapest beer you can find.

    You can mock this Mr. Johnson (and in the process judge someone you know nothing about) and his opinion all you want. At least he was respectful and well written.

  71. Ward shot Griffin then shot at the police. Griffin did NOT shoot at the police nor did the police shoot at Griffin. Police shot & killed Ward. Facts people facts!

  72. 9:30 PM FACTS? 2 black guys with illegal guns, one with a court date on Monday for illegal guns shoot each other up in a diner parking lot. Hows that for facts? I guess the one with the court date was a good kid, right?

    Real men fist fight. Cowards shoot each other.

    I really don't care who shot who. They were both thugs, living the thug life and this is the result. Fact.

    1. Lol..so we are concerned about N. Korea's jabs and uppercuts? We worried about government spending at Main St. Gym? Lol

  73. dang yo, what is his public defender going to do now?

  74. To all you young people coming on here trying to make this a racial thing check this I'm a middle aged white male that has spent most of my life doing this same stupid stuff, in and out of trouble, court, jail etc. Always making excuses to justify my bad behavior and blaming everyone else. Guess what eventually you will hit a wall either you will end up locked up with a bunch of young little kids and realize you wasted your life on senseless and useless activities or you will keep living the life thinking your cool or a badass drinking drugging etc and good old father time will knock you to your knees. Where are you kids coming from Thinking incarceration is cool?? I've seen so many probably just like these two that think their down out here in these streets and get behind those bars and cry like babies, yes sir no sir I'm sorry sir. To the ones who think its a difference between black and white get this to ALL the little white kids who are out here chasing a ghost providing resources to the mostly black drug dealers I saying straight up good riddance to both groups. Society doesn't need either of you, you in NO way are productive to society. We weren't put on this earth to live the way both the white and black kids are living today. Don't get it twisted either in just man enough to back it up but today making you give me your respect is not worth my freedom or all the pain I've caused my family. Grow up do something good with the little time you have on This earth

  75. Look at the rap sheet it speaks volumes. As I see it he was not only a thug but a rat eating cheese. How do you stay on the streets with all he had hanging around. I will tell you how he snitched like a bitch. Maybe that is why he was being shot at. Sorry live the thug life die the thug life. Innocent people could have been killed because these two idiots have zero value on human life. Blacks need to shut the hell up and clean up the mess they have made of their own world. These kids are killing one another over nothing. Parents saying good bye way to soon. Sorry do not blame the white guy for your short comings as human beings. Just do something to stop all this madness. The blame game is old and tired time to man up and clean up your dysfunctional mind set it does not work. To all you young men trying to do the right thing stay strong and stay away from the trap. There is a better life out there.

    1. I'm sorry have you not seen how white kids go drinking and driving, killing innocent people. you sir or whatever you are should clean up you're mess of ignorance... and if you don't know what that means it mean lack of knowledge or understanding

  76. But Jake Day usually tweets and retweets how great he is and how great he has made Salisbury. But he hasn't said one thing or commented on that horrible shooting. What about the citizens Jake Day!

    Mayor Jake Day Tweeted 4hours ago

    Such a nice event today dedicating the newly remodeled Parsons Cemetery. A #governor and a… https://www.instagram.com/p/BWWF5KPj6VA/
    0 replies 2 retweets 4 likes
    Reply Retweet 2 Like 4

    Mayor Jake Day Retweeted
    ESRC‏ @ESRunningClub 8 hours ago

    We had fun paddleboarding this morning w/ Capital SUP SBY! @jacobrday, @VanessaJunkin, @ConnieTyree, @MelissaMWilson4, @feetprayrun & more!

  77. Anonymous said...
    You people on here speaking ill of dead people should be embarrassed and ashamed. Not one solitary person has justified what these boys have done but if you can't find any empathy in your hearts for them what about their mothers? Or their fathers? What about everyone who is left here to suffer consequences of actions they did not commit. Posting his history is cowardly and disrespectful to the people who are going to miss him and would give anything to see him smile or laugh one more time. Y'all are one of the biggest great problems in this world. Instead of getting on here bashing a young man who is dead you should be hugging your own children and loving them but you can because your thumbs are too damn busy on the internet.

    July 9, 2017 at 3:11 PM

    You people on here speaking ill of dead people should be embarrassed and ashamed.

    So What! They are murderers and cop killers! They got what they deserved!! No shame here so go spend your EBT cards now. Hurry up before the state finds out they are dead and you can spend theirs.

    1. The comments from a lot of you are rude, excessive and unnecessary. What in the world does ebt card have to do with any of this. Once again the Caucasian race making themselves appear to be superior to minorities. And coming from a family service coordinator, whites receive more ebt good benefits, and that's facts. Yes this young man did commit a crime but you also have to realize that he was someone's child and the crime he committed has nothing to do with them. Many want to place the blame on the parents which is not fair at all. His mother is a state employee and His father is a police officer. His parents raised him the right way, he chose on his own to go down the wrong path

    2. Like many do and the hippocites in here wont tell you their kids suffer from addiction and their bad parenting which led to it they ll sympathetically call it mental illness

  78. Someone claims "J" was respectful? His was the only comment that sticks out in my mind. Throwing that racist crap around because there is nothing else he can say. Surely that change the world crap didn't work for him. "J" wants to buy the world a coke in perfect harmony, sounds like.

    1. If you are going to say something negative, make sure people can understand it instead of it looking like a sixth grade summary.

  79. So sad to see so many negative and judgemental comments. People are so quick to judge until it happens to their family and then they want everyone to have sympathy for them.Look at all these heroin addicts that the taxpayers are steady taking care of. Don't think for one minute that any of you judgemental people are exempt from something like this happening in your family because you are not. Some of these people on here are just showing how ignorant you are!

  80. First and foremost the forensics haven't come back to confirm that Jaquan Griffin ever fired or possessed the found firearm. To provide facts of the case; Micheal Ward did shoot Griffin and then open fire on an officer as has been confirmed by witness statements and security footage. Should either of them have had a gun if in fact Jaquan ever possessed one? No! Many people here are putting down Griffin due to upcoming charges and reversing facts or intermingling them. Micheal Ward a convicted sex offender should be your focus. Was Jaquan Griffin a saint? No nit at all but he wasn't a terrible human being either! Jaquan is from a good family, he made some bad choices. I did not know him personally but upon the times I encountered him he was a very kind, personable and respectful young man. This young man held doors open for ladies, always had an amazing smile and was a great student who had recently enrolled to continue his education at UMES. It is very easy for any of our young men or women of any race to get caught up in the allure of the street life regardless of race or economic or social class. Between the opiate epidemic and cultural influences that promote the thug life it could've been any of our kids. I am a white, professional mid 40s teacher at SMS and I know this young man was an absolutely amazing human being with flaws! Now as did the young man who took his life and open fired on an officer I encountered him also and my mother always said not to speak ill of the dead but I will say he is a former choices student and plagued with trouble from youth. Jaquan's mother is an amazing woman as well as Michael's and both work in local government sectors and didn't raise their children to do these things! Jaquan's mother has helped 100s if not 1000s go to continuing education programs and teach brighter futures and pushes him to do better. Sometimes as any parents know, our children take a path we never imagine whether it be crime, drugs, children outbid wedlock etc. Not one person here doesn't have at least one individual in their family that even after the best effort chose the wrong path! I pray for the mothers if these boys and I pray for the souls of all you standing in judgement. You must be atheist because obviously with such hateful words, you are not children of God. May the Lord have mercy upon us all. I pray it's never you or one of your family members featured here to be bashed and picked apart on your deathbed or worst hour.

    1. Its nice to see that someone see's the true picture instead of going along with the ignorance that is being advertised.

  81. Nobody's a winner here.

  82. Joe i think this one has drawn out every cockroach in the area....man tell Jake to look at your viewer numbers now. Must have hit a all time high!

  83. 12:05, you sure have been at it all day and night, haven't you? If white people bother you so much and this "comments" section riles you up that bad, just go to another computer site and shut off the thing all together. Maybe you will have a less hate-filled day then.

  84. Good God! 'July 9, 2017 at 7:40 PM' You really don't get it, do you?

  85. You reap what you sow! This little Thug was no choir boy! Had a history of criminal behavior. Lose of life is tragic, but if you dance with the devil what do you expect is your reward. I don't feel sorry for losing a non-productive member of society!

  86. It is unfortunate that young lives spiral to this point. As a mom, I would like to think that if it was his "time" that during his short time on earth he could have experienced joy and success in his church, his community, school and beyond. There's plenty of room for self reflection, thought and action on what we could do differently to make it less likely these tragedies will happen. People are n glass houses should never throw stones. Choose kindness...angry and snarky posters.

    1. Amen!!! You can't call your self a Christian if you are on here making vile comments ..

  87. Guns aren't the problem - being out on only a $15,000 bond for illegal firearm possession is the problem. The judicial system let us down yet again.

    On the other hand, as a 100% law abiding citizen with no previous criminal record, if I were to slip up in the slightest way (like improperly transporting a firearm from hunting or the shooting range) you know damn well that I would have the book thrown at me and my ass would be in the slammer for a while.

  88. wow, 163 comments on two thugs who killed each other? sorry for your loss(es) but whose fault was it really?

    1. Yours. Now shut up

    2. 4:10 Wow real intelligent comeback. You will end up like Jaquan.

  89. Instead of calling me cracker i prefer color challenged best.holla

    1. I think white trash will suffice

  90. Choose Kindness eh?

    Hey J, SOMEONE shoulda told that to Ward and Griffin - then MAYBE this wouldn't be news.

    Shoulda coulda woulda!

  91. smh this is sad...how can any one say some hurtful stuff like this...how would you feel if this was one of you're family members, would you then say they got what they deserve. Anyone on here who has something negative to say about this boy let me tell you something,no family is perfect and i'm sure if you dig deep enough you will find some dirt on you're own family as well. For once gain some knowledge instead of ignorance

    1. 2:27 Jaquan was the face of your culture. Him and others like him die everyday. Why? Because of the lifestyle they lead. Commenting on a blog about how good of a boy he was isn't helping your youth. Look at his rap sheet. 4 pages long and he was only 21. I can only imagine what his juvie record looks like. This boy had a 1000 chances and he blew each and everyone of them. He wasn't going to change...his rap sheet proves it. If most of you on here blaming whitey really cared about your youth you would do something about it. Instead you want to come on here and blame the white man. In reality it is YOU and your culture that has turned a blind eye to what is going on with your youth. I'll guarantee each and everyone of you defending him knows in your heart he was a f up. Yes all families have problems. No one is perfect. But your culture is overrun with kids trying to find acceptance on the street. Why? Because they don't get it at home or anywhere else in your communities. For most of these kids there is no family unit. Most don't even know who their father is. Change it. Do something about it. Stop turning a blind eye to it and show them a better way. Hold them accountable. It's not up to the world to raise your kids ...it's up to you the family, the community, the churches.
      There were innocent people in that restaraunt eating or trying to make a living. Do you think it's fair to them or their families that they were caught in the middle of this??

  92. Cone on this crap about no family is perfect, he was a good kid blah blah is old. If it bothers you that much you have a choice and don't come on here reading it just like those two young had a choice that night. No one made them go there and confront one another, as for all the other what kind of good church people are you people?? Live like hell Monday through Saturday and show up on Sunday and call me a Christian

  93. good kids would be home in bed at 2 in the morning, not out with the crowd with an illegal handgun. now i guess that's racist to.

  94. This is exactly why nobody should be allowed to comment on this blog.....funny everyone of y'all negative talking was people are anonymous.....smh.....yall need prayer to.....

    1. 6:31 Ummm didn't you just make a comment under anonymous? SMH

    2. Go raise hell. See u in church on Sunday

  95. 6:31 the reason that most people post anonymously are because of threats that one gets for expressing their view points or opinions. The only opinions allowed are yours. You get offended and make threats and stalk people that don't agree with you. Even Joe himself has probably gotten death threats and some nasty messages since he posted the first article. Most people want to give their opinions and are entitled to them just as you are without getting harassed, followed or stalked or threatened. and even you posted a comment anonymous so look at you quite the hypocrite!

  96. I only had to read a little to know that this whole situation makes me sick. To be honest growing up around law enforcement I have seen alot. I have also seen how having a badge and gun makes people automatically act like they are above society. Criminal or not someones info should not be put out online for the world to see. Btw your so called taxpayers ahem me pay taxes so that the pd can have stupid luxuries such as a stupid tank. Further more uou are blind if you cannot see there is a major gap between pd and any citizen on the delmarva shores criminal or not. You guys are here for the money and to keep others down. Its truely sad

  97. 7:38 Are you implying the police are at fault?

  98. All things considered why are NONE of you defending these young men and their actions bringing up the REAL problem the nationwide black on black crime

  99. Thank you 9:03 a.m. Very well stated!


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