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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Here’s what True the Vote is doing right now

We are still fighting the IRS in court - and though it comes at a high cost, we can’t back down - what they did to our organization, and to me personally, was criminal. We’ll be in court again tomorrow, facing down the 20+ DOJ attorneys and staffers who are sent to defend the indefensible.

On other fronts, we'll soon be re-launching our online training program, including courses on election integrity, election worker training, advocating in your state legislature, and more. Unrelenting hack attempts forced us to move to a secure platform. In the days ahead, we will post training and all sensitive data posts under a different umbrella. You’ll have access to it as you always have, but it will be secured through advanced measures.

What kind of sensitive data do we have? Lots. We receive all kinds of intel from all kinds of people. We want to be able to organize it and securely share it with you. Additionally, in preparation for this year’s research projects at True the Vote, we sent out hundreds of FOIAs asking very particular questions about state voter data and electoral processes. We are assembling those FOIA responses and look forward to posting them all very soon in a new online directory. More details will be released very soon about this new online directory - but you’ll be able to post and store docs there, too! We’re excited to see it all come together!

We’re still moving forward in targeted research efforts, albeit not the full-scale national audit we’d hoped would be well underway by now. It's ... frustrating ... to watch the President's Election Commission unsuccessfully attempt to acquire state voter rolls.

We already have them. Data brokers across the country have them.

More here

1 comment:

  1. Meanwhile Martin OweMalley openly admits to gerrymandering SMH


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