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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Government Can't Fix Healthcare


  1. They don't want to fix it. They want it to fail so we will be forced into a single payer system like most of the world. Socialized medicine with no health insurance. We will all be on medicare and the government will be making your healthcare decisions just like the British. I see a future of 60 to 70 percent taxes on your take home income with public housing for all and crammed into cities. All a part of agenda 21.

  2. We can't find a solution for health insurance so we're just going to get rid of EVERYONE'S health insurance!

  3. The 9 most terrifying words in the English language....

  4. @9:13

    People who live in countries with single payer socialized health care pay much less money for their health care and medication, and they are healthier.

    Their lives are also not destroyed financially because they get sick. They don't loose coverage when they can't work because they are sick.

    On most things I am very Conservative, but I cannot fathom why health care is for profit, and why insurance companies even exist.

  5. Little snowflakes.....For 70 years the private healthcare system has failed and we have the worst "system" in the western world. I've lived in Canada and Britain and both systems work great because doctors and patients ultimately control the system...the government acts as the insurer but decisions are made by medical staff rather than a scum private company looking for their bottom line. Wait times in those countries are MUCH shorter than the supposed efficient private care here in the US...bottom line...if its a failure and there are obvious options you go with it. How many conservative are willing to give up their "socialized" medicare or Tricare for the whims of the free market? If not, then shut your mouth about complaining....snowflakes...

  6. There is a service that will mail your ashes to the representative that voted to make your pre existing condition a reason for insurance companies to refuse you. Red or blue this bill will result in unnecessary death

  7. This proves that the Health cost Bill, better known as the Healthcare Bill (Obamacare). Is nothing but a "Ponzi scam" run by the Politianns. They are pulling a Bernie Madoff, taking tax dollars and lining their personal pockets. This also proves they all are con-artist crooks.

  8. They can't fix it: means the health insurance companies refuse to accept less PROFIT. Think about it. We are forced to buy a product which is a for-profit business by some of the largest corporations in our Country. Unbelievable.

  9. Sure they can. They don't want to. & they want paid to accept what somebofy else wants. (paid lobbyists)


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