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Saturday, July 15, 2017

GOP Spending Panel Invites Illegals to Get Government Jobs

The GOP-majority House Committee on Appropriations approved a spending bill early Friday morning which allows young illegal immigrants to win jobs in President Donald Trump’s agencies or in government-owned workplaces.

The legislation shows the Democrats’ determination to open doors and opportunities for illegals, even as opportunities for Americans and their children are being choked by cheap-labor immigration, automation, and international outsourcing. The late-night decision was made by a voice vote — so shielding the pro-amnesty Republicans from public criticism.

The business-focused “moderate” Republicans who submitted to the ideological Democrats’ pressure “are cowards,” said one pro-American lobbyist.

“Last night’s action by the Republican-led House Appropriations Committee making illegal aliens eligible for federal jobs is yet another example of why President Trump must honor his campaign pledge and repeal President [Barack] Obama’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,” said a statement from the pro-American Federation for American Immigration Reform.


1 comment:

  1. Republicans led by Paul Ryan approve a Democrat program but cannot pass the Republican agenda. Another fact that Ryan is a rogue Republican by label but a Democrat chameleon by nature and is fighting President Trump as such.


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