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Saturday, July 15, 2017

George W. Bush and Bill Clinton hit out at Trump in Dallas

George W Bush and Bill Clinton both took apparent jabs at Donald Trump at a forum on Thursday night as they named the one characteristic a president needed above all others.

The two former presidents were speaking at a graduation ceremony for the Presidential Leadership Scholars program at the George W Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.

Bush replied ‘humility’ in answer to the question about presidential qualities, and added – ‘I think it's really important to know what you don't know and listen to people who do know what you don't know.’

Clinton said anyone holding the highest office in the land needs to keep focused on their goals.

‘Realize it's about the people, not you,’ he said. ‘A lot of these people who are real arrogant in office, they forget.

'You don't want to say, “God, look at all those people I beat”’.



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 15, 2017 at 6:19 PM

    When Bushes and Clinton's hanging out together, you know for sure, the regular Americans are getting Screwed Big Tine. They know they losing their powers to Trump, but they will smile in front of cameras pretending how great they get along with each other, while scheming shady deals with corrupt politicians. Public better watch out, something is being cooked behind closed doors!

  2. Please, these families just need to go away. The American people are over those losers.

  3. LOL Bush needed to learn how to speak....Clinton needed to have young female interns to appreciate his manhood....both great examples!!!

  4. I don't see how either comment was directed at Trump. Quit being so easily offended, you snowflakes, do you need a safe place? Geeze!


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