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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Fresh batch: More Hillary emails show ‘pay for play’

'A serious criminal investigation is required'

More than eight months after Hillary Clinton’s election loss, her use of a private email server and other conduct during her tenure as U.S. secretary of state continue to haunt her.

A newly released batch of documents obtained by Judicial Watch showcases numerous instances of Clinton Foundation donors receiving favors from the State Department.

In one email exchange, Huma Abedin, Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff in the State Department and longtime aide, negotiated who the next the U.S. ambassador to Barbados would be after Clinton Global Initiative executive Doug Band recommended a candidate to fill the position.

“I know, he’s emailed a few times,” Abedin said in reply to Band’s request. “But she wants to give someone else.”

Another exchange shows Band instructing Abedin to “show love” to Andrew Liveris, CEO of Dow Chemical.

Judicial Watch pointed out Dow gave between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative.



  1. The people really being haunted are us, by the specter of what deals Hillary made, what she skimmed, and how deep Obama was in all of it, not to mention Russia and her good buddies abroad and at home.
    And then there's Haiti...


  2. And the Clinton Foundation.


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