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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Fourth’s faulty finale forces Labor Day fireworks feature

Making up for fireworks grand finales that fizzled on the Fourth of July, contractor Image Engineering will get a do-over for a Labor Day weekend show with the final Sundaes in the Park event on Sept. 3.

“It’ll be a special show on the same level as our New Year’s Eve fireworks display,” Special Events Superintendent Frank Miller said Tuesday. “We’ll have Separate Ways, a Journey cover band, perform as well. This is an out-of-the box solution and a way to make it up to the visitors that were disappointed by the Fourth of July show.”

The grand finale of this year’s shows at North Division Street and Northside Park failed to launch, cutting the 18-minute programs short by four minutes. During Monday’s session, Councilman Wayne Hartman asked for resolutions to address the disappointing results.

“This week someone in the grocery store mentioned to me the fireworks weren’t what they had in the past,” Hartman said.


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