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Friday, July 21, 2017

Florida man shoots out tires of AT&T truck outside home

HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) - A retired Miami-Dade firefighter took extreme measures to get AT&T workers to remove their trucks from his property, Wednesday morning.

According to Hialeah Police, the AT&T utility employees were working on lines near a home located near the corner of Southeast Fifth Place and Sixth Avenue when the resident, identified as 64-year-old Jorge Jove, came outside and approached them, at around 11 a.m.

“The owner of the house came out,” said Hialeah Police Sgt. Carl Zogby. “He was upset that the trucks were parked in front of his house, asked them to move.”

Police said the workers told Jove they would remove the vehicle as soon as they were finished with their repairs, but that did not appear to satisfy him. “They said, ‘We’ll move in a few minutes. We’re just working on the poles. We’re supposed to be here,'” said Zogby. “He went back into his house, came out a few moments later with a gun and started firing at both AT&T trucks that were on the scene.”


Original video can be found HERE


  1. I get it dude. Everyone seems to block my driveway. Pizza guy, post office, drug dealers, it's like my driveway is invisible.

  2. Good for him! A man's home is his castle!

  3. Any commenters here ever hear of easements and sidewalk right of way? Those trucks are in the street, NOT on his property. This guy needs a prison retirement plan.

  4. If you've ever had to deal with AT&T employees first hand,you'd kind of understand. They act like a bunch of entitled, spoiled,indignant, union thugs...except, they're not acting.

  5. Crapcast does the same thing. They are on our street several times a month.

  6. Jove fired at least 18 shots during the incident, police said. A sergeant saw Jove fire at a worker who was in a bucket truck and miss, according to WSVN.

    Jove faces aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges. No injuries were reported.

    world has gone plum crazy

  7. People are getting fed up with being pushed around by everyone who believes they are an "authority" of some kind.
    He went too far, but I can feel his frustration.
    An so can millions of others. Its building up, people.
    Keep cheering.

  8. Anonymous lmclain said...
    People are getting fed up with being pushed around by everyone who believes they are an "authority" of some kind.
    He went too far, but I can feel his frustration.

    I agree.

  9. Sometimes the comments amaze me. I can't believe that some actually support the homeowner's dangerous and asinine actions. I hope those nutjobs don't own guns.


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