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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Florida man charged after hiding inside Rt. 50 bridge

A man who climbed out of the water and then made his way into mechanical area of the Route 50 bridge in an apparent attempt to avoid rescue was arrested Monday morning by the Ocean City police.

Joshuah C. Miller, 26, of Venice, Florida was spotted by police as he hung onto one of the bridge pilings around 2:30 a.m.

When police asked Miller if he was in trouble, he reportedly gave officers a thumbs-up and told them his friends had thrown him in the water.

But when police told him that the U.S. Coast Guard was on the way to take him ashore, Miller reportedly swore and pulled himself into the internal workings of the bridge.

A Coast Guard boat arrived, but left after the crew unsuccessfully pleaded with Miller for 10 minutes to come out of hiding. Ocean City Emergency Medical Services also arrived on the scene.



  1. Nothing good ever happens after midnight.

  2. can you say dumbass

  3. Charge him for it all. The Coast Guard response alone should cost about $10,000.


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