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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Fantastic News! Hillary Clinton To Lead Democrats In 2018 Midterm Elections


  1. How stupid must they be. Have you not learned your lesson?! Democratic party is toast.

  2. Wonderful. The losing party couldn't have made a better choice, the loser herself.
    It's time to ramp up those investigations and put this woman where she belongs.

  3. This is GREAT news! With her "leadership", there's NOTHING the GOP can't do!

  4. Dumb and dumber she should be serving time and anyone who thinks she is a good candidate is plain brain dead.

  5. What's that definition of insanity?
    Doing the same thing and expecting different results?

  6. She needs to be in jail right now!

  7. We can only hope!!!

  8. This is a great picture. Her big fat head makes her name appear LIAR. How appropriate. Fate doesn't come without its sense of irony.

  9. The rumor is that it will be Hillary #3, the better looking one, who appears to be about 10 - 15 years younger than original Hillary.
    FYI: Hillary #1 (Sidewalk Hillary) was permanently retired when NOBODY believed it was original Hillary - duh!

    One may assume Hillary #2 will be working part-time on the campaign as well?

  10. Are they looking for more Hillary lookalikes?

    You're right, 1:41, nobody believed Sidewalk Hillary was the real thing. Look was wrong, movements were wrong, size was wrong and voice was wrong. And the fact that she came out of the building without Secret Service was damning, as SS agents are to remain with their charges, not trail after the diversionary puppets.


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