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Friday, July 07, 2017

FACT CHECK: Does Planned Parenthood Use Medicaid To Fund Abortions?

The Washington Post claimed in an article Friday that Planned Parenthood does not use Medicaid funds for abortions. “As the nation’s largest abortion provider, the 100-year-old nonprofit has sustained attacks at both the state and federal level, although the clinic does not use Medicaid funding to provide abortion services,” the article states.

Verdict: False

The Hyde Amendment allows Medicaid funding exclusively for abortions in cases of rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is in danger. The Washington Post’s claim that Planned Parenthood does not use Medicaid funds to cover abortions is false.

Fact Check:

The Washington Post’s article, covering Planned Parenthood closures in Iowa and the potential removal of governmental funds from abortion providers, mistakenly claimed that Planned Parenthood does not receive Medicaid funds for abortion services. The claim is in direct contradiction to a federal amendment, several state decisions, and Planned Parenthood’s website.



  1. WaPo shows itself once again as a threat to the nation's stability.

  2. WaPo has gotten just as bad as CNN if not worse, The only thing its good for is the coupons and lining a cat box! or a table for crabs.

  3. When Obama was in they did what they wanted.

  4. Fund PPH if they want under the condition that for every dollar spent on abortions that much would be subtracted from tax dollars given. Then watch their abortions drop and they cannot acuse tax payer of defunding their services the claim they only perform.


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