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Monday, July 31, 2017

Democrat Who Claims Trump ‘Militarizing’ White House Has Deep Links to Communism

Democrat Congresswoman Rep. Barbara Lee, who accused President Donald Trump of “militarizing” the White House following his appointment of General John Kelly to White House Chief of Staff, has longstanding ties to communism.

On Friday, Lee claimed, “By putting [General] John Kelly in charge, [President] Trump is militarizing the White House [and] putting our executive branch in the hands of an extremist.”

Communist magazine People’s Weekly World reportedly listed Lee as a co-sponsor for a Communist Party USA (CPUSA) event in 1999.

In 2002, Lee also received the endorsement of the CPUSA for her Congressional race, alongside former Rep. Mike Honda.

At a 2003 People’s Weekly World fundraising luncheon, “Each honoree received a special congressional certificate from Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee, in whose district the banquet was held.”

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  1. I thought the Democrats had already declared the White House to be in the hands of an extremist!

  2. Lee is also notorious for not respecting the military at all. She's been quite vocal about her hatred towards our military for a while now so it's not surprising that she would view any military as extremists. It's funny the way the extremists always point their fingers at others and accuse them of doing what they do.

  3. Typical Democrat

  4. Getting ready for a war to defend the US Dollar.
    Look out folks.
    Time to get out of the military ASAP.

    1. No dip s*** why don't you man up and join the military. Or maybe you can't find your way out of mommy's basement.


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