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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT Guy Arrested For Bank Fraud While Trying To Leave Country

Over the past few weeks, we have been telling you about how Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT guy/staffer was apparently able to hack into the personal files of Debbie and other House Democrats.

Not only that, it appeared that the Pakistani born IT staffer was in a situation where he could possibly blackmail the liberal members of Congress.

Rather than help authorities, we told you yesterday that Debbie Wasserman Schultz or someone close to her appears to have smashed hard drives that authorities were requesting.

Today, a stunning new development.

Imran Awan, the IT guy in question, was arrested trying to flee the country.



  1. Personally following rule of law has no meaning for the likes of Wasserman-Schultz.

  2. This piece is about Imran Awan. Why the photo of Nastywomen, little children will have to find a safe place due to being scared.

  3. She needs to go to jail. We need to find out who hired these 2 pakastani agents and fire them also
    .Get those muslims out of the government.

  4. She's next, I expect. You know she got her cut!

  5. Maybe we can now investigate the real crimes. Hey Mueller where are you?????????????????????????????????

  6. She and every house dem they worked for should resign immediately. They probably are being bribed for the information obtained because they are so stupid as to give a security clearance to these guys.

  7. The Party of Liberal Jim!

  8. I would like to know how they got security clearances to begin with. Must be all sorts of interesting stuff copied off this hard drives.

  9. Are all democrats criminals, or just most of them?

  10. Just browsed ABC, CBS,NBC and MSNBC NOT A PEEP about this story!

  11. 916 it's been on Fox News all morning. It's been mentioned more than a half dozen times.

  12. I'm just curious but how is she NOT being investigated by the FBI for conspiring against Bernie with in the party during the election? How does she have a parking spot in DC still?

  13. Hint 930, it won't be on ABC, CBS, NBC or PMSNBC. Wrong agenda for them!

  14. Debbie should've been investigated ages ago. If we had a real DOJ this would've been a done deal by now.


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