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Saturday, July 22, 2017

DE: State unemployment numbers uncertain — net gain of only 400 jobs this year

DOVER — After years of a better-than-average unemployment rate, Delaware continues to falter. Although the state’s unemployment rate of 4.7 percent did not increase from May to June, it has not decreased from one month to another since August, according to data published Thursday by the Delaware Department of Labor.

Delaware’s unemployment rate has been higher than the nationwide average for the past three months. Before March, it had been more than 10 years since the First State’s unemployment rate was higher than the national figure.

It’s an ominous sign for Gov. John Carney’s administration, which has made job creation one of its core goals but has seen a net gain of only 400 jobs this year, placing Delaware in the bottom third among states.

The numbers could be an omen of a recession, or they could be an anomaly.



  1. Mathematically it gets harder and harder to cover up the lies, like the fake low unemployment when you only added 400 jobs.

    I am still waiting for the truth to start coming out.

  2. "It’s an ominous sign for Gov. John Carney’s administration, which has made job creation one of its core goals but has seen a net gain of only 400 jobs this year".

    I'm from Southern DE and I say fire this and every liberal that pollutes the State. Hogan and Trump have proven that a better job can actually be done and accomplished even in the face of these %__*(^^)*^%.

  3. Another Democrat ruining another state.


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