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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Critically Missing Juvenile Chloe Davis


  1. "shortly after she left the house?"

    Poor police have become babysitters. SMH

  2. When I was 15 and didn't come home on a Saturday night. I wasn't "critically missing". I was "critically endangered" of getting my butt whipped when I finally came home. She gonna be old enough to drive in a year.....SMH

  3. 50 hrs of community service.

  4. I am sorry but is the public aware that human trafficking is a huge issue in this area- and girls this age are prime targets? These are no longer the days of yesteryear- every missing child is serious I dont care about the circumstances. Our children are at risk- and we need to be grown ups.

  5. 7:39 PM HUGE issue? Nah. Poor parenting is the issue.

  6. How many abductions of children by non family members have happened in this area? This is a 15 yo doing what she wants to and not having a repercussions. Police called because she left the house when told not too. My dad would have beat my butt if I had done that.

  7. 9:21- because you had a DAD. So many young people growing up without one. Or with one who can't get off his Xbox long enough to notice he has a child to raise.


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