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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Congresswomen protest for 'right to bare arms'

On Friday, more than 30 congresswomen on both sides of the aisle wore sleeveless dresses to support their "right to bare arms."

The lawmakers were protesting the dress code in the Speaker's Lobby, a room bordering the House chamber where lawmakers congregate between votes and where reporters conduct interviews. The dress code for the room has required women -- reporters and lawmakers -- to wear dresses and blouses with sleeves if they want to enter. The rule also requires men to wear jackets and ties.

"The rules are kind of archaic -- if we just went by tradition in this chamber then we wouldn't have a women's bathroom off the floor," California Democrat Linda Sanchez said, referring to the lack of a women's bathroom off the floor until recent years.



  1. You'll have to give the men their due, too. All the guys who want to wear Hawaiian shirts, shorts and flip-flops, raise your hands!

  2. This society does not like to follow rules. I see that Debbie Nastywoman is front and center. Some should follow their muslim friends and cover the head and face. Scare little children.

  3. So can the men how wear sleeveless suits and legless pants? Why did they give them their own bathroom. They should just share the bathrooms like they expect the kids in schools to do.

  4. You can bare your ugly arms anytime you want dearies...

  5. Its nice to see women want the right to defend themselves.

  6. 5:45
    Defend themselves from what????


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