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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Coalition of Attorneys General Oppose First Step in Plan to Permit Offshore Drilling off Atlantic Coast


  1. Good. Punching holes through the earths crust that they may or may not be able to fill with the excuse of "we have to do it for the economy". So what happens when the economy fails anyway as every one throughout history has? Your great great great grandchildren will not live in the USA, something will have replaced it. They will however live on the planet we handed down to them. You buy gas to go to work so you can afford all your stuff like your car payment and more gas to get to work. I'm not a global warming nut or an EPA fan. I am also just as much a part of the problem as anyone. However when you look at Fracking, drilling, Ozone depletion, sea water acidification and all these other problems that our economic model is causing we need to start asking ourselves if it's worth it. Do we want to be the generation in the long line of human existence that poisoned the water and land just because it allowed us to be lazy? You can pass your descendants all the worthless paper money in the world but if there isn't clean food and water they could easily end up slaves.

  2. Uhhh 6:17. Please explain one proven problem with fracking

    1. nothing until something goes wrong and some places have had bad problems

  3. Drive up to NY state and ask the people that live there. They will talk your ear off about the problems they have had.

  4. If Brian Frosh is in favor of it then I am opposed t it.


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